IUB JOUR-J 110 - Media Life Preface and Chapter 1

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Media Literacy Chapter One 01 16 2014 Major Idea Media Age output exploded over the course of our lifetime more in your lifetime than the sum total of what existed before you were born Media consumption 12 hours per day transformed how humans live Process information interact w each other build decorate homes Example Interior design 1940 s 1950 s TV shows up but is not central 1960 s 1970 s start to see technology on display just about everywhere 1980 s TV becomes more central in living rooms 1990 s 2000 s central thing we arrange our furniture around build furniture to put our technology into 2010 s something to show off hang on walls Even the way we arrange our furniture is effected by media Major Idea How do we adjust explosion was quick 15 20 years BIG explosions cable TV magazines internet humans adapt slowly to environmental changes message saturation tune out Potter Automaticity use media without conscious effort o Necessary for survival be goal directed understand WHY o Concern we are not very goal directed when we enter the media world example Facebook stocking distractions BUT Automaticity has function 1 Protects us from being overwhelmed 2 Acts as a filter to help us focus and move through the world in an effective way Major Concept Automaticity THE TRAPS 1 Fatigue o stuck in patterns of exposure o disregard information that may be helpful to us 2 False feeling of being informed o If its there I know it just because we have the access to the information we feel we know it o Media actually makes us more ignorant 3 False sense of control o If we have our apps we have total control over our lives 4 Faulty beliefs Thoughts from in class video Question Are we trying to imitate what we see in media or is media imitating us TV is being compared to a drug You can criticize media but your still in it What does Potter recommend we do Become media literate Take control take charge of our media use Snap out of automatic mode Make active decisions when we use media why we use it Learned not innate media literacy is not something were born with like math we must develop the skills for media literacy o Like going to the gym and getting a workout its easy to lose the tone and muscle But how do we acquire it o Take a little more responsibility and charge go in and beyond and break the screen move beyond Apple Advertisement 1984 We are like the people in the audience slightly zombie like taking the new media in for what it is How do we break the screen Understand dimensions of media messages and be aware of them in media content o Dig deeper 1 Cognitive factual 2 Emotional feelings 3 Aesthetic understand the production dove evolution commercial people in magazines images in media can be very manipulated 4 Moral values the way you want to live your life A Scale Where you are on the line from low to highly literate Cognitive emotional aesthetic moral low high Where do you stand on these scales How much self awareness do you have How much do you understand about production Media Literacy a set of perspectives actively used when exposed to media messages to interpret meanings from those messages 01 16 2014 01 16 2014

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IUB JOUR-J 110 - Media Life Preface and Chapter 1

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