ASTR 151 1st Edition Lecture 22 Outline of Last Lecture I Chapter 10 4 II Chapter 10 5 III Chapter 10 6 IV Chapter 10 7 Outline of Current Lecture V Chapter 11 1 VI Chapter 11 2 Current Lecture I Chapt 11 Section 1 Orbital and Physical Properties a India Guru Heavy One b Chinese Korea wooden star c Babylon Marduk d Greek god of the sky and thunder also known as Jove i Has rings that are very small ii It s largest moons were discovered by Galileo Galilean Moons iii Only planet where the center of mass isn t in the center of the Sun 1 Both it and the Sun orbits the same spot in the universe equally e Mass 1 9x 10 27kg f Radius 71 500km g Density 1 300kg ms h Rotation rate Problematic i Jupiter has no solid surface different parts of atmosphere rotate different parts of the atmosphere rotate at different rates ii 9hr and 55min from it s magnetic field half of Earth s day i Has Magnetic field j Has 67 moons including the 4 Galilean moons k Has atmosphere i 75 Hydrogen 24 Helium and 1 Other These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II ii It s rings are in the atmosphere 1 Descending air l Orbit 0 048 degrees m Axis tilt 3 13 degrees n Gravity 2 528 grames o Temperature depends on pressure 165K p Two models of theory of how they re formed i Shallow 1 Everything happens on top ii Deep 1 Everything happens beneath q Zones hold concentrations of ammonia i Zones are cooler and higher than belts ii Corresponds to upwelling of air r Oblateness Flatness A measure of how flattened a planet is s Small White Spot Oval BA t Red Spot Great Red Spot i Persistent cyclonic storm retrograde ii South of equator 22 degrees and colder than surroundings u If a planet is a perfect sphere i Re Rp in oblateness ii Jupiter s Re 71 494 Rp 66 855 Chapt 11 Section 2 Atmosphere a Hydrogen helium small patches of methane b No solid surface lowest cloud layer can t be seen by telescopes c Has hole in the atmosphere d Storms across the planet merge to make bigger storms e Puts out more heat than received from the Sun i Kelvin Helmholtz mechanism 1 Means Jupiter used to be bigger and much hotter its contracting
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