UT EDP 363-3 - EDP Dates to Remember Part 2
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EDP 363 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Judaism review continuation II New Testament III Dates to Remember Outline of Current Lecture I Administrative Stuf II Dates to Remember Current Lecture I II Administrative Stuf a First exam has been moved to Thursday February 26th b Sign up for subject pool The prescreening should only take 10 minutes i You get 2 points for doing the screening and doing the 4 studies and it is required Dates to Remember a Continuation on Martin Luther i Luther fell in love with a nun and had to ask the Pope for permission to which the Pope gave a firm no as it is sacrilegious for a priest or a nun to marry ii Luther broke away from the Catholic Church who then tried to stop kill him 1 Protestors of the Church Protestants iii In Luther s church priests could marry 1 All denominations of Protestantism allows marriage Roman Catholics still do not b 534 King Henry the 8th Act of Supremacy i Called defender of the faith for defending the Catholic church although he too later broke away because he wanted to divorce his wife He was excommunicated by the Church ii The Archbishop of Canterbury leader of the Church of England told Henry he wouldn t divorce Henry killed the Archbishop iii The Catholic Church came up with annulments which had nothing to do with the bible was Roman law not religious law 1 You have to ask permission of the church and pay for it These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute iv Main reason churches broke apart was due to sex c Pope Pius IX changed the teachings of Thomas Aquinas by outlawing abortions saying that life beings at conception d The Inquisition i Explains how throughout most of history women were thought of as more sexual and why how this has changed ii Court of Catholics who punished those who disobeyed the church lasted almost 500 years iii Those prosecuted any man woman who disobeyed the church rules including scientists left handed people sign of the devil women who were caught having sex before marriage pregnancy without marriage as the indicator and women who had leadership roles Also decided who was a witch iv Women began to think they better shut up about their sexuality because it gets them into trouble THIS IS WHEN THE SWITCH HAPPNED 1 Women have been taught to feel embarrassed won t even admit to their sexuality Women are only supposed to be interested in love e Late 1800s i Victoria Woodhall prostitute became a masseuse and befriended Cornelius Vanderbilt and he gave her a large sum of money ii She then became the first woman on the New York Stock Exchange 1 The men originally wouldn t let her in so Cornelius threatened to withdraw all of his money from the NYSE The men then let her in iii She made a newspaper and criticized marriage saying it is just a house of prostitution women marry men for their money in exchange for having sex with their husbands 1 This angered Anthony Comstock a Victoria then accused him of having multiple afairs in his community HE HATED HER and she hated him back iv Comstock Laws outlawed obscene literature and images i e pictures of nude people including the work of Victoria Woodhall 1 She refused to stop printing her paper so she went to jail for it 1872 a In 1872 she also ran for president as an independent candidate but didn t get many votes because she was in jail and couldn t even vote for herself yet because women did not have the right to vote until 1919 She ran against Ulysses S Grant general for the union in the civil war 2 Once she was released she migrated to England 3 Articles of Immoral Use i e birth control because the only reason to have sex is for children a Margret Sanger Brooklyn i People couldn t aford to have more children so she opened a clinic shop to sell contraception condoms and diaphragms ii Her mother died when she was only 50 after having 10 children and 7 miscarriages Margret hated her father and the Catholic church because she felt they killed her mother the pregnancies wore her out so much and just took such a toll on her body iii Wrote newspaper called The Rebel where she told people how to use birth control 1 She was thrown in jail Once she was out she reopened her store clinic and was thrown into jail again 2 After being released she left the US and didn t come back until the 1930s when she again reopened her store clinic This time the state of New York left her alone and her clinic is till open today Planned Parenthood iv Felt no woman should consider herself free if she can t control her own fertility v She became a fundraiser for birth control The McCormick family gave her a lot of money for research and she funded the founding of the birth control pill f 1960s US approval of the birth control pill but because of Comstock they had to pass it as a pill to help regulate menstruation g 1965 State of Connecticut couldn t prevent people from getting birth control if married h 1972 Birth control became available for everyone including singles because the right of privacy applies to everyone not just those who are married

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UT EDP 363-3 - EDP Dates to Remember Part 2

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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