UT EDP 363-3 - EDP Dates to Remember
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EDP 363 1st Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture I Review on Tantric Yoga II Buddhism III Note on religion IV Lau Tsu V Judaism Outline of Current Lecture I Judaism review continuation II New Testament III Dates to Remember Current Lecture I II Judaism review continuation a The first major religion that separates spirituality from sexuality Practices were ordered to have sex in but only in the state of marriage A persons greatest curse is to be barren sterile not able to have children b All heroes are married New Testament a A complete separation of spirituality and sexuality much greater than any religion before b Paul i 60 AD no gospels had existed yet ii Never met Jesus iii Wrote two thirds of the New Testament by himself iv Thought to be the first writer in the New Testament st c 1 Corinthians Paul i It is a good thing to remain single but if you can not control your sexual urges go ahead and marry although this is the secondary path marriage is the B track while chastity is the A track This is why priests nuns take vows of chastity ii All heroes are single and there is not even one sex story in the New Testament 1 There are no stories of Jesus the male hero experiencing any lust or engaging in sexual activities of any kind was not even tempted These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute d e f g h by sex The Virgin Mary the female hero is important because she is a pure and innocent virgin experienced no lust 1st Galatians Paul i The flesh and the spirit are at war with each other You can t belong to Jesus if you crucify all of your self indulgences lust Book of Matthew Matthew i Some are born sterile and some choose to be virgins for the kingdom of heaven ii Divorce is allowed if your wife or husband cheats BUT you aren t allowed to remarry another person If you want sex or to remarry than you must remarry your original now ex wife ex husband The penalty for adultery was stoning to death Book of Luke Luke i Roman Catholics interpret brothers i e Jesus s brothers to mean any relative as they believe that Jesus didn t have any siblings Role between men and women i 1st Book of Timothy Paul 1 How women should act in an assembly a Women are to dress quietly and modestly without gold or jewelry braided hair or expensive clothes as these things are meant to attract other people to you and takes others minds off of god and onto self b During instruction women should be quiet and respectful c No permission to teach or tell a man what to do which is why a woman can t e a priest and why nuns can t lead services d Women ought not to speak 2 Reasons a Because Adam was the first form and Eve came afterwards and the lead him astray b Women can be saved if they have children hence why the church doesn t allow birth control the sole purpose of sex is to have children NOT LUST ii 1st Book of Peter Paul 1 Wives shall be obedient to husbands like Sarah to Abraham and call him My Lord 2 Husbands must consider their wives while they may be the weaker partner Book of Revelations the last book in the New Testament i The redeemed are the ones who kept their virginity speaking to men and have not been defiled by women III ii The virgins follow Jesus wherever he goes and will be redeemed as the best i Gospels vary leading to disputes between groups i None of Paul s writings or Mark s writings or the gospels of John mentioned a virgin birth of Jesus Only Matthew and Luke mention the virgin birth story ii 400 AD the church decided Dates to Remember don t need to memorize the dates but do know the chronological order a 313 Constantine the Roman emperor converted to Christianity the Roman empire becomes Christian over night and people were prosecuted for praying to Roman gods b 354 430 Saint Augustine i Tried to rid himself of lust and sex but failed and had sex with both men and women ii Claims that the original sin Adam and Eve gets passed down from generation to generation through sex lust and therefore all people are born in a state of sin iii If Jesus is perfect he can t be born through lust must have been a virgin birth iv So how will we have children when Jesus comes back and there is no more lust The City of God 1 The penis is moved by the command of the will and will have sex without lust and only with the innocence of the mind therefore the body will remain pure Orgasms will also result from command of the will c 570 Birth of Mohammed Qu ran i The Muslim god Allah is still the same god as the Jewish god and the Christian god ii Believe and accept the Old Testament as well as the New Testament iii Do not believe Jesus had a virgin birth iv Believed that Mohammed is the last of the great prophets v Teachings on sexuality are very similar to that of the Old Testament 1 Men can have 1 wives if they can care for support them a Mohammad had 9 wives and concubines 2 Sex is allowed but only in the state of marriage 3 Women were thought to be more sexual than men which is why they are separated during prayer vi Always pray toward the Kaaba Mecca vii Frown upon masturbation viii Women thought to be temptresses have to wear full dress and sometimes a hijab to cover themselves d 1225 1274 Thomas Aquinas priest i Had access to ancient bibles n their original historic languages and could translate ii If a woman gives birth to a male she is unclean for 7 days if she gives birth to a female she is unclean for 14 days Her blood is impure and therefore she cannot go to the temple for 33 days for a male child and 66 days for a female child iii Influenced Catholic feelings on abortion iv Note neither the Old Testament nor the New Testament mentions abortion 1 When a woman is first pregnant the spirit is not yet present It is once god s spirit enters the womb that the child is alive and abortion is no longer allowed although it is allowed before this period a For males this happens during the 4th 5th week b For females this happens during the 8th 10th week 2 A woman must go to the priest to ask for an abortion as god is the only one who knows the gender of the baby and if the priest asks god he will tell him The priest will ask …

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UT EDP 363-3 - EDP Dates to Remember

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 5
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