UVM NFS 053 - Grains
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NFS 53 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I Grains II Cereals III Structure of grains IV Cereals and grains V Cereal grain uses VI Flours from grains VII Transforming grains into dishes VIII Pasta IX Cooking Grains X Gelatinization XI Random notes Outline of Current Lecture I Grains II Less refined more refined grains III Carbohydrates IV Complex carbohydrates in plants V Fiber in plants VI Wheat to flour VII Wheat plant and usefulness in flour VIII Barley IX Rye X Oats Current Lecture I Grains a When we eat an entire kernel or seed we are eating an unrefined or whole grain product b American diets have always included grains especially wheat Now we eat more refined grains than whole grains II Less refined more refined grains a Less carbohydrates from whole grains and more from sugars These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV V VI i This comes from milling grains into flours b Less fiber i Thiscomes from the outer most bran layer of grains that is removed c Less refined i Oatmeal whole wheat bread d More refined i Cheerios bagels e High in sugar i Lucky Charms doughnuts Carbohydrates a Monosaccharide and disaccharides i Glucose ii Galactose iii Fructose b Simple carbohydrates i sugar c Complex carbohydrates i Glycogen ii Starch iii Fiber Complex carbohydrates in plants a Starch i Storage place ii Amylose amylopectin b Starch accumulates in the roots tubers and seeds c Grains high in starch i Wheat rye barley rice corn Fiber in plants a Includes complex carbohydrates and lignin b Dietary fiber i A mixture of indigestible carbohydrates and lignin that is found intact in plants c Functional fiber i Isolating elements in plants that are high in fiber and adding them to refined foods 1 i e bran Process of Wheat to flour a Wheat berries are cleaning and soaked to prepare VII VIII IX X b Grist the berries c Put into rollers d Sift for size separation i Wheat germ ii White wheat flour iii Wheat bran e Enrich and fortify Wheat plant and usefulness in flour a Types of wheat i Spring lower in gluten higher in starch ii Winter higher in gluten lower in starch b Types of bran i White lower in antioxidants ii Red Brown Barley a As important as wheat was at first b Short growing season but easier to grow than wheat c Doesn t make good flour d Primarily used for animal feed and beer Rye a Very important in the early western diet b Hardy c Grows in cold wet conditions Oats a Most cultures don t like them i Considered a weed b Cold and wet tolerant c Oats don t have gluten i Bad for making flour

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