UT EDP 363-3 - EDP Early Religions Part 2
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EDP 363 1st Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I Thought Paper Review II Test Material III Commonalities among the Oldest Religions IV Goddesses of Agriculture V Athena VI Zeus and Leda VII Navajo VIII Hinduism Outline of Current Lecture I Review on Tantric Yoga II Buddhism III Note on religion IV Lau Tsu V Judaism Current Lecture I II Review on Tantric Yoga a The idea is to take the experience and feelings that occur during an orgasm and try to extend them beyond the orgasm itself b The 4 Parts of the Tantric Yoga Orgasm i Have no thoughts 1 opens your mind to Nirvana the great nothing the great silence 2 mind has a small seizure and can t create thoughts ii Pure pleasure that overrides pain iii Wish no one harm iv Male ejaculation is symbolic of creation Buddhism a Buddha tried to figure out what the truth of the world is He tried various kinds of yoga to reach Nirvana but none of them worked He went on to vow to sit under a treat and meditate until he becomes enlightened b Random note we don t know what actually happened cause none of the following wrote anything down i Buddha Socrates Plato Jesus c 4 Noble Truths These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV i 1 All life is suffering ii 2 The cause of this suffering is selfish desire 1 We identify ourselves with our bodies which will eventually die iii 3 The way to end suffering is to end selfish longing iv 4 The way to end selfish longing is to follow the 8th Fold Path ways of trying to be less egocentric d Buddha s teaching don t get involved in sexual relationships because they will frustrate you i The second greatest of all longings the longing for sexual desire the first greatest is the longing to breath ii Buddha trained himself not to focus on sexual desires and noticed that lust makes you want to control your partner which leads to frustration iii Buddha has learned how to end selfish longing which is why he is able to live in such a calm state e Buddha had a very democratic stance he didn t care if people followed him i This is what works for me try it if you want to f No god in Buddhism i Buddha didn t want Buddhism to be turned into a religion and he didn t want to be turned into a god but as soon as he died his followers did just that Note on religion a Different religions have different views on sex b A religion is simply something that binds brings people together Lau Tsu 500 B C Taoism a This view was more similar to Hinduism than Buddhism b Philosophy written in Te Tao Dao Ching the second most translated book in the world following the Bible c Can t define the Dao You can only know what it is by i Meditation ii Opening the mind iii Observing natured 1 It is observed natured that sex is everywhere sex is a part of life d The Dao symbol yin and yang i The white side represents the sunny side of the hill masculine energy ii The dark side represents the shadowed side of the hill feminine energy iii The Dao is a mixture of both masculine and feminine energy iv The goal is to understand and live life in accordance with the Dao 1 If you live in the Dao you don t need to be taught how to act and behave 2 Society needs laws and regulations for those who don t live in the Dao V Judaism a One god that is sizably male This god is the same god as the Christian god and the Muslim god b The Story of Adam and Eve an example of how we use the bible to examine the psychology of human behavior i God called upon Adam who was hiding because he was naked God asked Adam how he knew that he was naked had he eaten from the tree of knowledge which he had been forbidden to eat from Adam blamed Eve and subsequently god for putting her on Earth for giving him the apple Even blamed the serpent for tricking her God punished the serpent by making it craw on its belly as well as giving it the death penalty ii Eve was punished in 3 ways 1 Giving birth shall be a painful experience 2 She shall have the urge for her husband who shall be her master 3 Death penalty iii Adam was punished for listening to his wife eating the fruit instead of listening to God who forbade him to eat the fruit 1 Have to work for his food work for a living 2 Death penalty c This god has every feeling humans have anger love jealousy seen in the 2nd commandment except he doesn t have sexual feelings doesn t experience lust i This is where there is separation between spirituality and sexuality d When the bible was written women were thought to be more sensuous and sexual than men i 1st story of rape in the bible were of women rapig men 1 God punished the people of Sodom and Gomorrah for their wicked ways by destroying the city Lot his wife and his two daughters were saved for he was seen as a righteous man 2 God asked them one thing don t look back a Lot s wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt 3 Lot s daughters got their father drunk and raped him nd ii 2 story a false accusation of rape Joseph 1 Joseph was a great person and consequently his father s favorite His brothers got jealous of Joseph s perfection and sold him as a slave to Egypt Once in Egypt Joseph s perfection made him stand out and he was chosen to be Potiphar s household slave Potiphar s wife fell in love with Joseph and tried to lure him and he turned her down She then threatened to claim he raped her if he doesn t have sex with her and he still said no because he is a god fearing man Potiphar s wife than tore her clothes off yelled rape and had the guards arrest Joseph and throw him in jail a Random note the oldest siblings are the most driven to succeed Most grad students are oldest siblings

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UT EDP 363-3 - EDP Early Religions Part 2

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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