GSU NUTR 3100 - _ch_02_PPT_lecture

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Chapter 2 Tools for Healthy Eating 2012 Pearson Education Inc Objectives for Chapter 2 Describe the three key principles of a healthy diet Define the terms nutrient density and energy density Explain what the DRIs are Discuss the differences between the EAR AI RDA UL and AMDR Describe the principles in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Explian the concept of MyPlate Name the five food groups and the typical foods represented in MyPlate Identify the required components of a food label Determine the nutritional adequacy of a food based on the food label and Nutrition Facts panel Describe the three types of claims that are regulated by law Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc What Is Healthy Eating and What Tools Can Help Key principles of healthy eating Balance Variety Moderation Undernutrition state of inadequate nutrition Overnutrition excess nutrients and or calories in diet Malnourished long term outcome of consuming diet that doesn t meet nutrient needs Can result from both under and overnutrition Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc What Is Healthy Eating and What Tools Can Help Tools to help avoid under and overnutrition Dietary Reference Intakes DRIs Nutrient recommendations Dietary Guidelines for Americans General dietary and lifestyle advice MyPlate Food group recommendations Daily Values on food labels Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc Miscounting Calories Surprising New Diet Food Report Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc Miscounting Calories Discussion Questions What is the misconception about the number of calories reported on the labels of some popular diet foods Why is more than one sample of a particular food tested to determine the correct calorie count Why does the FDA allow such a wide range of labeling of calories on prepared foods Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc What Are the Dietary Reference Intakes DRIs tell you how much of each nutrient you need to consume to Maintain good health Prevent chronic diseases Avoid unhealthy excesses Issued by U S National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine Updated periodically based on latest scientific research Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc DRIs Encompass Several Reference Values Figure 2 1 Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc DRIs Encompass Several Reference Values Adequate Intake AI If insufficient scientific data to determine EAR and RDA Next best estimate of amount of nutrient needed to maintain good health Tolerable Upper Intake Level UL Highest amount of nutrient that is unlikely to cause harm if consumed daily Consuming amount higher than the UL daily may cause toxicity Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc Figure 2 2 Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc DRIs Encompass Several Reference Values Estimated Average Requirement EAR Average amount of a nutrient known to meet the needs of 50 percent of individuals of same age and gender Starting point for determining the other values Recommended Dietary Allowance RDA Based on the EAR but set higher Average amount of a nutrient that meets the needs of nearly all individuals 97 to 98 percent Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc DRIs Encompass Several Reference Values Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges AMDR Recommended ranges of intakes for energycontaining nutrients Carbohydrates 45 to 65 percent of daily caloric intake Fat 20 to 35 percent of daily caloric intake Proteins 10 to 35 percent of daily caloric intake Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc The DRIs in Action Figure 2 3 Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc Table 2 1 Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc How to Use the DRIs To plan a quality diet and make healthy food choices Goal To meet the RDA or AI of all nutrients Not exceed the UL Consume the energy yielding nutrients within the ranges of the AMDR Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc Table 2 2 Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc Animation DRI Determination Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc What Are the Dietary Guidelines for Americans The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 are the most recent nutrition and physical activity recommendations Set by the USDA and Department of Health and Human Services Updated every five years Intended to help individuals aged two and older to improve their diet and lifestyle to lower risk of chronic diseases and conditions Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 at a Glance There are two overarching concepts in the most recent guidelines 1 Maintain calorie balance over time to achieve and sustain a healthy weight 2 Consume more nutrient rich foods and beverages Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 at a Glance Additional recommendations include Control calorie intake Increase physical activity Maintain appropriate calorie balance for your stage in life Reduce and or moderate alcohol consumption Select foods with more potassium dietary fiber calcium and vitamin D continued Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 at a Glance Reduce consumption of sodium saturated fatty acids dietary cholesterol trans fatty acids solid fats added sugars and refined grains Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits whole grains fat free and low fat milk products and a variety of proteins and of seafood Additional recommendations are given for women who are pregnant or nursing and for older adults Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc What Are Food Guidance Systems Visual diagrams that provide variety of food recommendations to help create a healthy diet Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc Various countries have food guidance systems based on their food supply and cultural food preferences Figure 2 4 Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc Improve Your Diet with MyPlate MyPlate was introduced in 2011 to replace the MyPyramid food guidance system The MyPlate icon based on a familiar place setting is intended to remind you to eat healthfully Visit www ChooseMyPlate gov to assess your current diet and physical activity levels and access an interactive and personalized food plan Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc Figure 2 5 Nutrition and You 2e 2012 Pearson Education Inc MyPlate Recommendations Balance calories Enjoy your food but eat less Avoid oversized portions

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