UVM NFS 053 - Fruits and Vegetables
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NFS 053 1st Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture I Heat Transfer Continued II Herbs and Spices Enhancing Flavors III Seasonings IV Flavor Builder V Flavorings VI VII Food Safety and the system Common Reasons for Food Contamination Relates to Food Handling VIII IX Leading causes of food borne illness MicroMonsters Outline of Current Lecture I Fruits and Vegetables a Definitions b Classifications c Different parts of the plant i Definitions d Preparing Vegetables i General Guideline ii Techniques e Random Notes Current Lecture I Fruits and Vegetables Categorizing plants for food The various parts of plants and the various categories Cooking vegetables a Definitions These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute i Fruit Latin word fructus signaling the sweet and pleasurable aspects of this part of the plant ii Vegetable Latin word vegere signaling energy and liveliness iii Herbs and Spices 1 Seasoning substances that enhances flavor 2 Flavoring substance that adds its own distinct flavor May blend with other flavors or give its own distinct flavor b Classification i Root ii Tubers iii Leaves iv Flowers v Bulbs vi Stems vii Seeds viii Fruits c Different parts of the plant i Stems Shoots 1 Nutrients and water travel to different part of the plant 2 Example asparagus celery leeks ii Tubers 1 Capable of forming their own root and stem cloning 2 Example potatoes iii Rhizomes 1 Grow under the ground horizontally 2 Way to store nutrients for the plant 3 Example ginger turmeric iv Leaves 1 Easy to digest 2 Example lettuce endive v Flowers 1 Reproductive organ of the plant 2 Tend to be the most toxic part of the plant 3 Example broccoli artichokes vi Fruits 1 Contains seeds 2 Example eggplant pumpkin vii Seeds 1 Legumes 2 Have to do something to make digestible 3 Example beans d Preparing Vegetables i Focus on flavor texture nutrition ii General Guidelines 1 Cut into uniform shapes to promote even cooking 2 Cook for a short time 3 Consider varying cook times 4 White red vegetables can be cooked with a small amount of acid to maintain color iii Techniques 1 Baking roasting 2 Frying 3 Stir frying panning 4 Simmering boiling 5 Steaming pressure cooking 6 microwave e Random Notes i Plants need carbon light water micronutrients from the soil ii Plants like to be stable in their environment iii Theory of why fruits are sweet is to spread the plant in the long run

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