TAMU MARB 435 - Phylogenetics
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Marb 435 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Current Lecture 1 This lecture will be covering phylogenetic and the founders of phylogenetic concepts as well as phylogenetic trees and character matrixes Current Lecture Phylogenetics Charles Darwin was one of the first people to extensively study evolution He studied the relations of many different species in the Galapagos Islands His great work was known as The Origin of Species Ernst Haeckel was a German zoologist philosopher and artist who thought that humans had a special place in the tree of life He saw the tree of life more as how a tree actually looks than how we know trees of life today He believed man had a place at the top of the tree of life Willi Henning was German entomologist who is usually considered the founder of phylogenetic systematics also known as cladistics Phylogenetic Systematics was his published book that was first published in German in the 1950s and translated into English in 1966 He believed that organisms shouldn t be recognized and named unless their evolutionary history was a monophyletic group This wasn t widely accepted at first but now it is used in modern systematics Terms to know Phylogenetic Trees Diagrams that indicate evolutionary relationships among taxa Speciation Events are represented by the branching points of the tree Characters Structures to be compared among species are called Character States Different versions of the characters Morphological Data Anything you can see in an organism with or without microscopic techniques Parsimony The simplest explanation is the most likely explanation These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Molecular Data DNA or protein sequence data Each nucleotide position is a character DNA has four character states ACGT Drosophila melanogaster is an important fruit fly in evolutionary models Autopamorphy Character state unique to a taxon however it is phylogenetically uninformative Synapomorphy Derived character state that is shared by all members of a group Paraphyletic Group a group of species that does not include all descendants of an ancestral species Monophyletic group a group of species that includes all descendants of a common ancestor Polyphyletic group a group of species that has no direct common ancestor Clade a clade is a monophyletic group that contains all descendants of a common ancestor Sister Taxa Two branches that originate from the same node branching point

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