EDP 363 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Last Lecture I N A Outline of Current Lecture I Introduction to the Class II Personal vs hypothetical questions III Assignment Current Lecture I II Introduction to the Class a Today s class was extremely short and very much a typical syllabus day The syllabus is posted on Canvas read it i When Professor Brownstein calls on you first state your name before anything else ii No food or drinks other than water allowed in class iii No hats iv No laptops allowed during class Takes notes on paper v NO CELLPHONES 1 If you are found to be using your cell phone during class Professor Brownstein will confiscate it and you will have to do one of the following things to get it back a 10 push ups b Pay 1 to his retirement fund c Attempt to win him and one other class member over with flattery b To be called on i Raise your hand ii Slightly tilt your head iii Stare down at your desk c If you don t want to be called on look straight up at the ceiling Personal vs hypothetical questions a Professor Brownstein will try to only ask students hypothetical questions in class personal questions should not be asked and if he accidentally asks one you are not required to answer i Personal question do you use birth control ii Hypothetical question should women be able to use birth control These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III Assignment a Write a fact myth and value statement for each of the following three topics i Oral Sex ii Masturbation iii Polygamy
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