UVM NFS 053 - Recipes
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NFS 53 Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture I Sensory Experience II Taste III Taste v Flavor Outline of Current Lecture I Recipes II Perfection Salad reading III Nutrition Diet Health IV Scientific Cookery V Pizza Current Lecture I What is a recipe a Repository of cultural knowledge b Product of a social experiments c Establish or create a cuisine d Oral transmission of knowledge e Guides f Blueprints II Recipes Complicated Texts a Recipes as a shorthand i Serves as a quick shorthand summary of already shared practices ii Memory Jog or orally transmitted iii Culture includes shared cooking knowledge i I e The American Frugal Housewife a Written by Lydia Marie Child These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute b 1st cookbook published for an American audience b Recipes as a chatty reminder i Community cookbook ii Subgroups within a larger society to share certain cooking methods i I e Famous Recipes from Old Virginia a Self published by women in 1941 c Recipes as a definitive test i Right or best way to make a certain dish ii Dish is culturally and historically established iii Sets a standard III The recipes changes culture a Practices are considered problematic b Values are changing c Shapiro s argument about the concepts of the body health and recipes in the emergence of scientific cookery IV Perfection Salad by Shapiro reading a Women who were reformers and wanted to modernize the American diet through the scientific approach i Reform ingredients techniques dishes and meals V Nutrition Diet Health a 19th century nutrition was becoming important b Scientific study of food as a mean of delivering sustenance to the body c Creation of food professionals nutritionists economists dietitians VI Scientific Cookery a Food value b Systematic measurements c Kitchen procedures d Process of digestion VII Pizza a Part of the Flatbread Category a Made for over 6000 years b Grains used wheat rye corn oats millet sorghum teff rice buckwheat c Legumes potatoes lentils d Turned hard grains into edible foods e Leavened v Unleavened f Flour water g Kneading and rolling h Cooking method dry heat

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