UVM NFS 053 - Tulsi or Holy Basil
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NFS 53 Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Introduction to class II Going over the syllabus III Brief talk about preparing a meal Outline of Current Lecture I Tulsi or Holy Basil II Spices and Herbs III Cloves IV Westfield Seek no further apple V Omnivores Dilemma VI Meal Preparation as Patterned Behavior VII Meal Preparation as a Part of Cuisine VIII Social Influences on Meal Preparation IX New England Regional Cuisine Colonial Period Current Lecture I Tulsi or Holy Basil a Scientific name Ocimum Sanctum b It is the sacred plant in the Hindu religion c Found in most homes of this religion d Used for medicinal use not for any culinary purposes II Spices and Herbs a Spices and herbs are plant materials used sparingly and primarily for flavoring b Herbs come from the green parts of plants c Spices are from seeds bark or underground stems III Cloves a The tree cloves are found on are part of the Myrtle family i Scientific name Syzygium Aromaticum b Flower bud picked before the flowering stage c Found in Indonesia IV Westfield Seek no further apple a Origin Westfield Massachusetts These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute V VI VII VIII IX b Does not keep well after being picked c Sweet nutty flavor d Crisp coarse texture e Considered an eating apple turns to mush if baked f Pairs well with cheddar cheese Omnivores Dilemma a Humans are omnivores b The dilemma the need to experiment combined with the need for conversation c Neophilia the psychological attraction to new food d Neophobia the psychological preference to familiar food Meal Preparation as Patterned Behavior a The pattern and rules to the way we cook and eat i It is not explicit ii It is passively learned b Starts with i Basic foods used as key ingredients ii Cooking techniques practiced iii Flavor principles followed c These practices create meals Meal Preparation as a Part of Cuisine a Humans are the only creatures on Earth that cook their food b Cooking the deliberate and systematic manipulation of food c It is different in every culture Social Influences on Meal Preparation a Religion b Race and ethnicity c Region d History e Urban rural setting f Socioeconomic status New England Regional Cuisine Colonial Period a Domestic economy was crucial in organizing the household b Working with nature to access ingredients Pizza is in the flatbread category Pliable dough Baked in someway

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