CU-Boulder IPHY 3410 - Connective Tissues: Connective Tissue Proper, Cartilage, Bone, Blood

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IPHY 3410 1st Edition Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture 1 List the four types of tissues found in the body 2 Describe the characteristics of epithelia plural of epithelium that distinguish them from other types of tissues 3 Describe structural classifications of epithelial tissues by layering simple or stratified 4 Illustrate epithelial tissues by shape squamous cuboidal or columnar 5 List epithelial types and their function 6 Predict which epithelial cell type you would expect to find in an organ given the tissue functions 7 Name the specialized structures associated with the lateral basal and apical surfaces of epithelial cells Outline of Current Lecture 1 Define connective tissue 2 Predict if a tissue is a connective tissue based on the definition 3 Compare and contrast the structure and functions of epithelial and connective tissue 4 Name the unique components of connective tissue 5 Identify the components of living and nonliving matrix 6 Predict the function of the connective tissue based on its matrix composition compression tension elasticity pulling squashing stretching 7 Describe areolar connective tissue as a model of connective tissue proper Current Lecture Connective Tissue An Overview 4 classes o Connective tissue proper Loose Areolar adipose reticular Dense Regular irregular elastic o Cartilage Hyaline Fibrocartilage Elastic o Bone Compact Spongy o Blood Red blood cells White blood cells Connective Tissue Functions These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute A tissue that connects supports separates tissues organs or stores nutrients Connects other tissues and organs together Forms skeletal elements Separates and supports blood vessels and nerves Ex tendons ligaments bones fascia cartilage adipose blood Connective Tissues Characteristics Not very cellular lots of extracellular matrix Few or zero cell junctions Extracellular matrix made up of ground substance and fibers except in blood which is made has plasma o Ground substance can be gel like CT proper and cartilage or mineralized bone or fluid blood Large sugar protein molecules proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans Connective tissue proper and bone are vascularized innervated but blood and cartilage are not Connective Tissue Fibers Collagen o Strongest o Most abundant o Resist tension Reticular o Short fibers o Net like o Resist tension Elastic o Stretch and rebound like a rubber band o Made of protein called elastin Note blood does not have any fibers Connective Tissue Proper Fibroblasts defense cells fat cells Gel like ground substance Fibers contains all 3 fiber types Cartilage Contains chondrocytes chondroblasts are found in growing cartilage Gel like ground substance Fibers collagen elastic in some Bone Contain osteocytes and osteoblasts Gel like ground substance calcified with inorganic calcium salts Fibers collagen Blood Erythrocytes red blood cells leukocytes white blood cells platelets Plasma No fibers Connective Tissue Proper Loose areolar CT o Supports epithelial tissue o Fewer fibers than dense CT o Like packing peanuts Adipose Tissue mostly cellular o Protection ex heels of feet o High concentration of fat cells 90 o Found in hypodermis below skin o Nutrient storage Reticular Connective Tissue o Network of reticular fibers o Found in spleen which has a high concentration of blood cells Dense Connective Tissue o Resistant to stronger pulling forces o More fibers than loose CT collagen fibers Dense Regular parallel collagen fibers found in ligaments and tendons Dense Irregular collagen fibers run in many directions not parallel joint capsules Elastic CT high concentration of elastic fibers large arteries Connective Tissue Proper Characteristics Fibroblast produce fibers Macrophages phagocytic engulf foreign organisms Plasma cell secrete antibodies that mark foreign cells for destruction Mast cell secrete histamine which causes inflammation Lymphocyte white blood cell Neutrophil white blood cell Fat cell storage cell occurs in cluster or alone

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CU-Boulder IPHY 3410 - Connective Tissues: Connective Tissue Proper, Cartilage, Bone, Blood

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