IUB TEL-T 207 - T207+Midterm+Study+Guide+v2+_9.27_

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T207 w Ryland Fall 2013 Midterm Study Sheet V 2 How some of these technologies progressed through these phases Industry structure and business models Telegraph o Early experimental period while on patent o Competition and decentralized networks when the patent lapsed o Pre and post Civil War consolidation especially by Western Union Larger companies bought different telegraph firms WU did this because lines were not cut during civil war o Western Union a natural monopoly o The appearance of a new competitor telephone and how WU handled it Chromos effect New may or may not be swallowed up Did not Telephone o Early business strategy while on patent Tried to swallow up western union o Competition and decentralized networks when the patent lapsed rural vs urban o AT T s business actions the fair and the dirty ones Acquisition strategy especially when they went too far Radio o Very early uses point to point communication o The amateur radio period o The very first broadcasts o Consolidation around the clear channels o AM vs FM fights Blocked by business manipulation Stolen and adopted Know what organizations influenced adoption rate o AM vs TV Blocked by business manipulation Later stolen and adopted Know what organizations influenced adoption rate Music Distribution o Early storage technologies o When artists began to get paid from radio It s in the Master Switch book o Before and during the adoption of the internet o Modern music distribution How we get our music Who decides the hits How artists make their money o What copyrights are in music Composers rights Performers rights in recordings Derivative works in music o What sampling and sample licensing are and the basics of how they are integrated into the industry Legal Issues Whether and when each telecom and media technology was protected by patents Whether big business owned or litigated each patent o Telegraph o Telephone o Some parts of AM Radio o FM o Television Government regulations of each industry what and why o Telephone AT T Antitrust problems AT T as a Gov t regulated monopoly o Radio The Radio Act of 1912 WWI military control The founding of RCA as a patent pool that pushed British Marconi out The Federal Radio Commission The Federal Communications Commission o TV The Federal Communications Commission when they hurt and when they helped the technology spread Intellectual Property o A patent is a right to exclude others from using a newly invented technology The businesses in this class often have these to protect distribution methods and devices o Copyright often protects content the stuff being sent through the telecommunication systems and media devices Historical origins in the legal system we absorbed from England Monarchy control of expression and exclusive rights Guild coordination with a centralized registry Then in 1710 a statute that finally gives the rights to the author for a limited time The battle over what is actually protected what isn t and why only the basics covered in class stakeholders and their interests theories of rights basically those few powerpoint slides I posted from that class Rampant state encouraged international piracy American Copyright do not need to memorize just understand what s in them The Constitution s Copyright clause Why the First Amendment matters o Idea vs expression dichotomy o Fair Use The Copyright Act of 1976 o Subject matter what can be copyrighted o The concept of a derivative work o Basic Rights o Basic Remedies o Limitations The fact that it is for a limited duration Fair use Fair Use o o What is a parody Be aware of the 4 fair use factors but do not need to memorize and the concept of how transformative the work is including whether it competes with the previous work being used Why sampling more triggers it but sometimes sampling less doesn t o People Why they were relevant what they did o Alexander Graham Bell o Guglielmo Marconi o David Sarnoff o Lee De Forest o Edwin Howard Armstrong o Charles Jenkins

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IUB TEL-T 207 - T207+Midterm+Study+Guide+v2+_9.27_

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