HIST 1312 1st Edition Lecture 21 Outline of Last Lecture I 1919 A Race Riots B Spanish Influenza II 1920 A Warren G Harding B Red Scare C Sacco and Vanzet III 1921 A Revenue Act B Immigration Act IV Henry Ford A Assembly Line B Middle Class V Modern Conveniences Outline of Current Lecture I Modern Conveniences II Advertising III Obsolete Products IV Women s Fashions A Morals and Manners nd V 2 KKK A David Stephenson Current Lecture l In the roaring 20 s the first roads were being built and the first routes Because more people were traveling now they had to build more gas stations tire stores and roadside motels and diners This meant more mechanics got hired because of this ll These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Advertisements were created to play on people s insecurities to make them feel like they need to buy their products They would showcase pretty girls next to cars so middle age guys would buy their car thinking they would get the girls lll In 1926 General Motors changes the body of their cars so that their older models look old and people will now have to go buy the new model They began to build products as obsolete so they could get more customers lV Before the 1920 s women s dresses were tight to show their hourglass figure and they were floor length However after they gained the right to vote the hemline went from the floor to the ankles and then to the knees The hair was no longer long hair but short hair in a bob cut A Women were now seen smoking in public and when they went on dates they no longer needed a chaperone because they drove cars now that had a stick shift to separate them However they still had a backseat Married parents would also do this in cars with people they weren t married to so divorce rates went up and the dads were responsible for taking care of the kids and keeping them V The Second KKK is formed when a guy goes up on a mountain and burns a cross He makes a corporation but does not have a lot of members until Pulitzer goes after the KKK as a vigilante group They are a vigilante group because they go after people they oppose like Catholics immigrants and interracial couples Women started wanting their husbands to join the Klan so they d be taken care of A In 1925 David Stephenson is the number 1 Klan member on the radio He leaves his office and goes on a train he kidnaps his secretary and put her in a sleeping car where he rapes and tortures her She finds mercury and drinks the whole bottle When Stephenson comes back to find this he takes her to the hospital where she gives a statement to the police about what he s done before she dies He is tried and convicted of murder 2 years after this the Klan implodes because they were supposed to be a protector of women and one of their own did something so cruel to a woman
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