Stanford EE 133 - Electrical Characteristics

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LT1677 Low Noise Rail to Rail Precision Op Amp U FEATURES DESCRIPTIO The LT 1677 features the lowest noise performance available for a rail to rail operational amplifier 3 2nV Hz wideband noise 1 f corner frequency of 13Hz and 90nV peak to peak 0 1Hz to 10Hz noise Low noise is combined with outstanding precision 20 V offset voltage and 0 2 V C drift 130dB common mode and power supply rejection and 7 2MHz gain bandwidth product The common mode range exceeds the power supply by 100mV Rail to Rail Input and Output 100 Tested Low Voltage Noise 3 2nV Hz Typ at 1kHz 4 5nV Hz Max at 1kHz Offset Voltage 60 V Max Low VOS Drift 0 2 V C Typ Low Input Bias Current 20nA Max Wide Supply Range 3V to 18V High AVOL 7V V Min RL 10k High CMRR 109dB Min High PSRR 108dB Min Gain Bandwidth Product 7 2MHz Slew Rate 2 5V s Operating Temperature Range 40 C to 85 C The voltage gain of the LT1677 is extremely high 19 million typical driving a 10k load In the design processing and testing of the device particular attention has been paid to the optimization of the entire distribution of several key parameters Consequently the specifications have been spectacularly improved compared to competing rail to rail amplifiers U APPLICATIO S LT LTC and LTM are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners Low Noise Signal Processing Microvolt Accuracy Threshold Detection Strain Gauge Amplifiers Tape Head Preamplifiers Direct Coupled Audio Gain Stages Infrared Detectors Battery Powered Microphones U TYPICAL APPLICATIO Distribution of Offset Voltage 25 3V Electret Microphone Amplifier TA 25 C VS 15V PANASONIC ELECTRET CONDENSER MICROPHONE WM 61 www panasonic com pic 714 373 7334 R1 10k R3 1M AV 100 C1 0 68 F R2 10k 23Hz HIGHPASS 1 5V 2 3 7 LT1677 6 TO PA OR HEADPHONES 4 1 5V PERCENT OF UNITS 20 1 5V 15 10 5 1677 TA01 0 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE V 40 1677 TA02 1677fa 1 LT1677 W W W AXI U U ABSOLUTE RATI GS U U W PACKAGE ORDER I FOR ATIO Note 1 Supply Voltage 22V Input Voltages Note 2 0 3V Beyond Either Rail Differential Input Current Note 2 25mA Output Short Circuit Duration Note 3 Indefinite Storage Temperature Range 65 C to 150 C Lead Temperature Soldering 10 sec 300 C Operating Temperature Range LT1677C Note 4 40 C to 85 C LT1677I 40 C to 85 C Specified Temperature Range LT1677C Note 5 40 C to 85 C LT1677I 40 C to 85 C TOP VIEW VOS 1 TRIM IN 2 VOS TRIM 7 VS IN 3 6 OUT 8 5 NC VS 4 N8 PACKAGE 8 LEAD PDIP S8 PACKAGE 8 LEAD PLASTIC SO TJMAX 150 C JA 150 C W N8 TJMAX 150 C JA 190 C W S0 8 S8 PART MARKING 1677 1677I ORDER PART NUMBER LT1677CS8 LT1677IS8 LT1677CN8 LT1677IN8 Order Options Tape and Reel Add TR Lead Free Add PBF Lead Free Tape and Reel Add TRPBF Lead Free Part Marking http www linear com leadfree Consult LTC Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range otherwise specifications are at TA 25 C VS 3V VCM VO 1 7V VS 5V VCM VO 2 5V unless otherwise noted SYMBOL PARAMETER VOS Input Offset Voltage Note 11 VOS Temp VOS Time IB IOS Average Input Offset Drift Note 10 CONDITIONS Note 6 MIN Input Offset Current Note 11 MAX UNITS 0 C TA 70 C 40 C TA 85 C 35 55 75 90 150 210 V V V VCM VS 0 1V VCM VS 0 2V 0 C TA 70 C VCM VS 0 3V 40 C TA 85 C 150 180 200 400 550 650 V V V VCM 0 1V VCM 0V 0 C TA 70 C VCM 0V 40 C TA 85 C 1 5 1 8 2 0 5 0 6 0 6 5 mV mV mV SO 8 N8 0 40 0 20 2 0 1 5 V C V C Long Term Input Voltage Stability Input Bias Current Note 11 TYP V Mo 0 3 0 C TA 70 C 40 C TA 85 C 2 3 7 20 35 50 nA nA nA VCM VS 0 1V VCM VS 0 2V 0 C TA 70 C VCM VS 0 3V 40 C TA 85 C 0 19 0 19 0 25 0 40 0 60 0 75 A A A VCM 0 1V VCM 0V 0 C TA 70 C VCM 0V 40 C TA 85 C 0 C TA 70 C 40 C TA 85 C 4 5 8 15 20 40 nA nA nA VCM VS 0 1V VCM VS 0 2V 0 C TA 70 C VCM VS 0 3V 40 C TA 85 C 6 10 15 30 40 65 nA nA nA VCM 0 1V VCM 0V 0 C TA 70 C VCM 0V 40 C TA 85 C 20 25 30 100 150 160 nA nA nA 1 2 2 0 2 3 A A A 0 41 0 45 0 47 1677fa 2 LT1677 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range otherwise specifications are at TA 25 C VS 3V VCM VO 1 7V VS 5V VCM VO 2 5V unless otherwise noted SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS Note 6 en Input Noise Voltage 0 1Hz to 10Hz Note 7 VCM VS VCM 0V 90 180 600 nVP P nVP P nVP P Input Noise Voltage Density Note 8 fO 10Hz VCM VS fO 10Hz VCM 0V fO 10Hz 5 2 7 25 nV Hz nV Hz nV Hz fO 1kHz VCM VS fO 1kHz VCM 0V fO 1kHz 3 2 5 3 17 fO 10Hz fO 1kHz 1 2 0 3 in Input Noise Current Density VCM Input Voltage Range RIN 0 C TA 70 C 40 C TA 85 C Input Resistance CIN Input Capacitance CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio Note 11 PSRR AVOL Power Supply Rejection Ratio Large Signal Voltage Gain MIN TYP 0 1 0 0 Common Mode MAX 4 5 UNITS nV Hz nV Hz nV Hz pA Hz pA Hz VS 0 1V VS 0 2V VS 0 3V V V V 2 G 4 2 pF VS 3V VCM 0 1V to 3 1V VCM 0V to 2 7V 55 53 68 67 dB dB VS 5V VCM 0 1V to 5 1V VCM 0V to 4 7V 60 58 73 72 dB dB VS 2 7V to 40V VCM VO 1 7V VS 3 1V to 40V VCM VO 1 7V 108 105 125 120 dB dB VS 3V RL 10k VO 2 5V to 0 7V 0 C TA 70 C 40 C TA 85 C 0 6 0 4 0 4 4 3 3 V V V V V V VS 3V RL 2k VO 2 2V to 0 7V 0 …

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Stanford EE 133 - Electrical Characteristics

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