ASTR 151 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 7 21 Terms o Orbital Period o Rotational Period o Rille o Scarp Earth o Mass 6x10 24kg o Radius 6 371 000m o Density 5500kg m 3 o Has intrinsic magnetic field o Was once molten Most dense metals sank into the core o Ionosphere Ionized particles block solar radiation Good conductor o Hydrosphere All water on surface o Atmosphere Chlorofluorocarbons Greenhouse Effect Infrared radiation is trapped Blues Sky Rayleigh Scattering o Scatters light from the Sun o Oxygen absorbs wavelength at the UV spectrum o Magnetosphere Van Allen Belts Charged particles are trapped and spiral around magnetic field lines o Troposphere Weather is a result of convection Cool air goes down warm air goes up o Thin Crust Tectonic Activity Collisions Subduction Shearing Moving apart Pressure Waves Earthquakes Body Waves Travels through the interior of the crust Gets refracted depending on the density Shear Waves Slower than body waves Travels across the surface o Mantle o Two part Core Moon o Density 3300 relatively low May be due to the material torn from Earth o Has craters o No magnetic field o Crust is much thicker than Earth s o Has maria only on the near side o Tides Sun has less effect because it s farther away it only modifies it s effect on the Earth Moon its Tidally locked to the Earth Venus o Has intrinsic magnetic field o Has no Moons o Rotates on it s axis counterclockwise retrograde 243 earth days Solar day 117 earth days o Hottest planet in the solar system 735Kelvin o Has atmosphere Solid cloud bank 50 70 above suface Made of sulfuric acid Mostly carbon dioxide Nitrogen o Density 5200 o No tectonic plates o Has mantle o Volcanoes on Venus are shielded volcanoes Magma bursts though the crusts and cools down before overflowing This makes mountains Mercury o Density 5400 o Not tidally locked to the Sun It s orbit is eccentric See Kepler s 2nd law o Has craters o Has weak magnetic field Due to molten core o It s day and year has a 3 2 resonance o Caloris Basin Large impact feature on opposite side of the planet weird terrain o Has phases Can only be seen when it s at its maximum elongation o Has no Moons Mars o Has atmosphere Mostly carbon dioxide but very thin o Has elliptical orbit like Mercury o Tharsis bulge o Borealis Basin o Used to have water millions of years ago Northern polar cap Now it has frozen permafrost Or dried off Volcanic activity melts ice causing flash floods Outflow channels Gully o Minimal cratering youngest surface of the planets o Has the largest mountains in the solar system Southern Hemisphere o Chryse Plantilla o Has two Moons Deimos 5 556m s Phobos 11 39m s o Has seasons Has polar ice caps depending on the time location on it s orbit Carbon dioxide changes depending on how much freezes in the winter o Density 3900
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