UT Arlington HIST 1312 - World War l

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HIST 1312 1st Edition Lecture 19 Outline of Last Lecture I Wilson s Domestic Policies Continued A Warehouse Act B 18th and 19th Amendment C Child Labor Act II Foreign Affairs A Mexican Revolution B Haiti Dominican Republic C Treaty with Nicaragua and the Purchase of the U S Virgin Islands III Background to World War l A Imperial Ambitions B National Aspirations C Secret Alliances Outline of Current Lecture I Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand II Attempts of Diplomacy III Germany Attacks Through Belgium IV Trench Warfare V U Boat Warfare VI Election of 1916 VII Zimmerman Telegraph VIII Russia Leaves War A Spring Warfare and the Bolshevik Revolution IX Convoy System X Wilson s 14 Points XI Treaty of Versailles Current Lecture l The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand is what sparks World War l Serbia wanted their ethnic groups who lived in Austria Hungary to become a part of Serbia but they wanted them to be able to keep their native land The Emperor said no but the Archduke heir to the throne was willing to listen At this time an organization called the Black Hand Organization went into These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Austria Hungary to bring back Serbs to Serbia by force if necessary When the Archduke went to Serbia a member of the Black Hand Organization killed the Archduke and his pregnant wife ll Austria Hungary issues demands to Serbia One was that they demanded a public apology from Serbia The second was that Austria Hungary wanted to expedite the Serbian citizens they thought killed him Serbia says no so Austria Hungary starts to attack and Serbia goes to Russia Russia starts mobilizing and Germany tells them to stand down lll Germany is ready to attack so they start marching through Belgium which makes England declare war on Germany because they have to protect Belgium Japan gets permission from allies that they can go and take some German colonies The U S declares neutrality but that doesn t stop the Germans from attacking any ship that passes them lV In Belgium there is trench warfare and it takes some time before England can come in and protect them Germans are on one side of a barbed wire fence and the French Belgium and British are on the other side of the fence When it rains in the trenches the soldiers get trenchfoot and trenchmouth Mustard gas is used and if they didn t have a mask on the gas would eat you from the inside out and outside in It was so bad that it gets banned later V The Germans have submarines called U Boats that they use to torpedo any ships that cross them even innocent passenger ships These U Boats are deep under water so other ships can t see them so they can attack easily Vl In the 1916 election Wilson runs again on the campaign slogan He kept us Out of War basically saying he s the peacekeeper He gets re elected and we go into war in 1917 because many U S citizens changed their mind Vll Zimmerman was the German foreign minister who sent a telegraph to Mexico asking them to start a war with America so that it would keep us out of the European war so the Germans could beat the Europeans If the Germans were successful they would give land back to Mexico When Wilson got this telegraph he had it printed in every newspaper so Americans changed their mind and wanted to go to war We declare war in 1917 Vlll A We come into the war when Russia leaves Russia got independence but the people living there were not really free Lenin goes back to Russia and takes over communism and leads a Spring Revolution against the Czar but he doesn t succeed until the Bolshevik Revolution where he killed the Czar and his family lX On our convoys we had sonar which allowed us to find the German U Boats and we also came up with death charges which were packed with explosives Now we can start sending food and supplies to the British and French Germany knows they got more food because America is supporting the British this greatly demoralizes the Germans X The Germans surrender in December of 1918 and Wilson believes there should be 14 points in this peace treaty The main 4 were self determination for all people no war guilt no war reparations and a creation of an international organization where countries can resolve problems before it leads to war They were called the League of Nations Xl In 1919 the Treaty of Versailles was made and it said that Germany gets the war guilt and has to pay reparations and that there will be no self determination However they did make the League of Nations They also took German lands in Africa and the Ottoman Empire and now the French and the British govern these lands The treaty is sent to America and we agree to all the terms except for the League of Nations Germany goes deep into debt because of this and the U S becomes isolationist

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UT Arlington HIST 1312 - World War l

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