ASTR 151 1st Edition Lecture 16 Outline of Last Lecture I Chapter 8 Section 1 Orbital Properties II Chapter 8 Section 2 Physical Properties III Chapter 8 Section 3 Surface Features of the Moon and Mercury IV Chapter 8 Section 4 Rotation Rates Outline of Current Lecture I Chapter 8 Section 3 Surface Features II Chapter 8 Section 5 Lunar Cratering Surface Composition III Chapter 8 Section 6 Mercury is less cratered than the Moon IV Chapter 8 Section 7 Interiors V Chapter 8 Section 8 How the Moon was formed VI Chapter 8 Section 9 Evolution History of the Moon and Mercury Current Lecture I Chapter 8 Section 3 Surface Features a Nearside of the Moon i Craters ii Maria b Farside of the Moon i craters c Mercury i Craters ii maria II Chapter 8 Section 5 Lunar Cratering Surface Composition a Meteoroid hit moon i Ejecting material ii Explosion ejects more material causing craters These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute b Age difference i Highlands 1 Rocks rich in aluminum 2 4 0 4 4 Billion years ii Maria 1 Mantle material darker patches iron 2 3 2 3 9 Billion years c Larger Craters Basins i Usually have names d Regolith i Thick layer of dust ii Made by meteorite impacts e Micrometeorites i Float through space f Moon was volcanically active i Rilles on the moon was formed g Water on Moon i Lunar Prospector didn t see it ii Likely to exist near the poles as ice iii More water exists in our deserts than the moon h Late Heavy Bombardment i Lunar Cataclysm 1 Moon rocks a Imbrium youngest impact due to less craters III Chapter 8 Section 6 Mercury is less cratered than the Moon a Mercury i Features 1 Scarp a Giant cliffs 2 Hollow a Irregular shaped depressions b Collapsed by magma chambers IV Chapter 8 Section 7 Interiors a Moon s density is low 3300kg m3 i Crust is much thicker ii Mantle composed of Minerals iii Core is small Probably metallic and has a partial gravity at the poles V Chapter 8 Section 8 How the Moon was formed a Captured body b Fission c Formed together d Collision VI Chapter 8 Section 9 Evolution History of Moon Mercury a Mercury formed 4 6 billion years ago i Geologically dead for the past 4 billion years b Moon formed 4 6 billion years ago i Oldest moon rock found in the highlands was 4 4billion years ago
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