BIOL 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I II III IV V V V VI V VII Cyto oplasmic Meembrane Fluid d Mosaic Model Funcctions Fluid d Nature Trafffic of Moleccules Watter Balance in Cells Tran nsport Outline of Currrent Lecture e I II III IV Eukaaryotic Cell Componentts Plan nt Cells vs A Animal Cells Help pful Diagram ms EXA AM ON THURSDAY STUDY GUIDE IS ON GRAD DEBUDDY ALLREADY Currrent Lecturee I Eukaaryotic Cell Componentts a Nucleus N source of geenetic mateerial DNA ssurrounded by double memebranee with nucleear p pores that aare big enou ugh for largee moleculess and riboso omes to pass through i Nucleolus place inside n nucleus wheere ribosom mes are assembled looks like a darkk spot ucleus in nu b Cytoplasm C everythin ng between nucleus and plasma membrane m including semi fluid c cytoplasm a organelles and c Ribosomes R hesis made of RNA and d proteins site of protein synth d Endomemb E brane system m system m of interrelaated memb branes that aare either directly c connected tto one anotther or indirrectly conneected by vessicles i Vesicles mem mbrane sacss which are pinched offf and move from one m membrane site s to anotther ii Rouggh Endoplassmic Reticulum nucllear membrrane is direcctly connectted to this w which is directly conneected to Sm mooth Endop plasmic Reticulum iii Golggi apparatuss is connected by vesiclles to lysoso omes vacuo oles plasmaa membranee These notes represent a d detailed interp pretation of th he professor s lecture Grad deBuddy is besst used as a supplement to your own notes n not as a substitute e O Other Organ nelles i Thesse reproducce within the cell ii Micrrobodies ssacs which ccontain specialized enzzymes for sp pecific metaabolic tasks 1 1 Ex pero oxisomes break down fats and d detoxify alco ohol iii Mito ochondria site of celllular respiraation found d in nearly all eukaryotic cells iv Chlo oroplasts site of photosynthesiss make sugaar using CO2 and waterr v Mito ochondria Chloroplassts 1 1 Producee energy 2 2 Surrounded by double membrane 3 3 Grow an nd divide 4 4 Have theeir own ribo osomes maake own pro oteins 5 5 Own gen netic materrial for making the proteins II Plan nt Cells Vs A Animal Cellss a Label L the orrganelles b Is I the cell an nimal or plaant i Plan nt cells havee chloroplastts animals d don t ii Plan nts have cell walls anim mals don t iii Plan nts have largge central vaacuole anim mals don t III Important Diagrams to Kno ow a Be B able to laabel these sstructures of o the animaal cell b Be B able to laabel these sstructures of o the Endom membrane SSystem c Be B able to laabel these sstructures of o the plant cell
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