Rose-Hulman ECE 300 - ECE 300 Lab 1

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ROSE HULMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering EC 300 Signals and Systems Fall 2007 Introduction to MATLAB Lab 1 Mark A Yoder and Bruce A Ferguson Prelab None Objectives The purpose of this lab is to play with MATLAB specifically using its command line interface While playing you should learn many of the commands we will be using throughout the quarter Don t be afraid to try things You can t break it Specifically you should achieve the following Learn to use the MATLAB command line interface Learn basic syntax and command structure Learn to create signals as arrays associated with a time axis array Notes on Using MATLAB MATLAB can be used in two different ways through the command line interface and using MATLAB scripts It is important that you know the difference between the two and when to use each You will practice each in your first two labs in ECE 300 The first lab focuses on the command line interface The command line interface is the easiest way to use MATLAB and is the default mode on startup When you first start MATLAB you will find that a command window opens as part of the MATLAB window Using this command window you can enter commands at the prompt for MATLAB to evaluate This is convenient when doing simple calculations and getting help A major disadvantage of the command line interface is that the work you do cannot be saved for future use Procedure There are two exercises for today s lab 1 Play Time getting used to MATLAB a Explore the MATLAB help capability Try the following type at the command prompt note that the text following the is a comment such text may be omitted without altering the command function help help plot helpwin plot command help colon lookfor filter this is the basic help command opens a help window on the plot keyword search Page 1 of 6 EC 300 Signals and Systems Fall 2007 b Use MATLAB as a calculator Try the following pi pi 10 sin pi 4 ans 2 3 ans holds the last result c Practice variable name assignment in MATLAB Try the following x sin pi 5 cos pi 5 y sqrt 1 x x ans assigned to what NOTE The semicolon at the end of a statement will suppress the echo to the screen d Experiment with vectors in MATLAB Think of the vector as a set of numbers in a one dimensional array Try the following kset 3 11 kset length kset cos pi kset 4 compute cosine The cos command introduces the concept of implicit type assignment MATLAB senses that the cosine argument contains a vector so it implicitly creates a vector to store the results of the cos command The length of the cos vector is automatically set equal to the length of the kset vector e Create a time vector in MATLAB Try the following helpwin linspace t linspace 0 0 1 100 t x cos 2 pi 20 t compute cosine x f Make sure that you understand the colon notation Try the following and think about how this is different from the linspace command help colon jkl 2 4 17 jkl 99 1 88 ttt 2 1 9 4 tpi pi 2 1 9 0 Page 2 of 6 EC 300 Signals and Systems Fall 2007 g Extracting and or inserting numbers in a vector is very easy to do Consider the following definition x ones 1 3 5 2 13 zeros 1 4 x 6 9 Explain the result echoed from x 6 9 Now write a single statement that will replace x 6 9 in the existing vector x with zeros Assume we don t know how the vector x was created for example it may be data read from an instrument and we want to replace the 6th through 9th elements with zeros Instructor Verification see last page h Loops can be used in MATLAB but they are NOT the most efficient way to get things done When efficiency is important such as when dealing with very large vectors it is better to avoid loops and use the vector notation instead However in this course where we are beginners the for loop is sufficient Here is a loop that computes values of the sine function The index of x must start at 1 x initialize the x vector to a null for i 0 7 x i 1 sin i pi 4 end x Rewrite this computation without using the loop Instructor Verification see last page i Complex numbers are natural in MATLAB All of the basic operations are supported Try the following z 3 j 4 conj z abs z angle z real z imag z exp j pi exp j pi 4 pi 4 j Plotting is easy in MATLAB for both real and complex numbers The basic plot command will plot a vector y versus a vector x Try the following x 3 1 0 1 3 y x x 3 x plot x y z x j x x plot z complex values can be plotted Page 3 of 6 EC 300 Signals and Systems Fall 2007 subplot 2 1 1 plot x y subplot 2 1 2 plot z Use helpwin arith to learn how the operation x x works Compare to matrix multiplication x x This dot arithmetic is an extremely important concept in MATLAB 2 Manipulating Sinusoids with MATLAB Create commands that will generate three five kilohertz sinusoids with arbitrary amplitude and phase x1 t A1 cos 2 5000t 1 x2 t A2 cos 2 5000t 2 In MATLAB this is implemented by first creating the time vector t and then creating a vector holding the values of the sinusoids a Create a time vector t which will cover 3 periods of the waveforms x1 and x2 Make sure the plot starts at a negative time so that it will include one cycle before time t 0 and make sure that you have at least twenty samples per period of the wave Using 10 20 samples per period is a good guideline for how to specify time resolution in MATLAB simulations b Select the value of the amplitudes and phases using a top secret recipe use your age for A1 and the largest digit of your SSN for A2 for the phases use the last two digits of your SSN for 1 in degrees and take 2 75D Note When doing computations make sure to convert degrees to radians c Make a plot of both signals on the same page use subplot to make two graphs over the specified range of t Include appropriate title and axis labels use the help command to look up the built in functions title xlabel ylabel Print out your plot you will need to turn it in with this lab d Assume that the two signals that you just plotted were downloaded into MATLAB directly from the oscilloscope and you want to verify your measurements Verify that each signal has the correct amplitude Determine the phase difference between the signals using x1 t …

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Rose-Hulman ECE 300 - ECE 300 Lab 1

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