UGC 112 3rdnd Edition Lecture 3 Outline of Current Lecture Europe s Troubles and Rebirth I Three Focus Issues II Dynasties in Iberia III Reaction Revolt and Religion IV A 12th Century Muslim Disaster V State Building a Weber s Three Types of Legitimacy Europe s troubles and Rebirth I Focus Issues 1 Rebuilding societies and political structures a After things such as major disasters epidemics droughts floods and infestations occur 2 Why did Europe remain disunited a There was an effort within Europe to overcome divisions of the past During this time had more continuous war 3 Recovering from the Black Death a How it had an impact on the discrimination on the basis of religion State building State building was an on going issue Fundamental questions Means of consolidation if you were a political leader what would you use as a means of consolidating your power Inspiring ideas marriage make love not war use money buying political favors Growth Mali and Eastern Europe Heavily forested not very good for agriculture except for Ukraine IT was the breadbasket of the Slovic speaking people Mire pushed all the soil to New England towards the south These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II Dynasties in Iberia o Spain making love not war 1469 Ferdinand and Isabella belonged to rival parts of Spain and their marriage brought together these two rival kingdoms Spain has some strong regions within it but it is more so united because of this marriage They could control a lot of money o Portugal had an obvious advantage when it came to sea born trade They were very willing to go out long distances in the search for protein from fish Leaders among westerners in exploring beyond normal frontiers Portuguese were leaders in navigation Would go out to the island in the northwest of Africa Portuguese colony in China Macau Macao This is a great place for gambling o Christopher Columbus had state sponsorship and brought back billions of dollars to Spain Spain became powerful through conquest the forcible transfer of resources enslaving people and looting gold and silver 100 years war France vs England How much territory in France would contemporary England control 1066 is when the French invaded England Civil war in England Tudor rule Sometimes this war is called the war of the Roses because there were two major rivals for the throne of England The war was so exhausting that a new ruling group eventually came in the Tudor line III Reaction revolt and religion o o o o Weather changes famine Higher Taxes Consequences Boundary Changes One of the distressing parts of this time was the upheaval in society on the basis of class and religion European society at this time like much of the world s societies was hierarchical in nature included King emperor and nobility all the way down to laborers Basis of sex men always had greater or superior power Whenever there was a revolt popular uprising violent means were used The death penalty was widely administered Religion got into the act Lecture deviating a bit the Black Death When it hit Europe only a small percentage of Europe s Jews died Why For one thing they didn t eat pigs pigs are known to eat dirty things such as their own feces Most importantly though Jews had ceremonial washings ritual weekly baths that kept them healthy and clean Europeans did not wash for months at a time Consequence we don t know who brought the plague exactly but people would spread viscous propaganda about who did Pogrom used in the sense of a slaughter of Jews marked in late 19th century Europe Shakespeare wrote about merchant of Venice Jews went to Eastern Europe There was a lot of space there it was possible to establish their own society here Pale of settlement the term given to a region of Imperial Russia in which permanent residency by Jews was allowed Boundary Changes some kinds of boundaries are natural and expected Rhine River for example separates Germans and the French Pyrenees Mountains between France and Spain as second example France England Ireland Scotland Denmark are still there on the map North central China the Golden Horde were mounted warriors who came form outer Mongolia Very simple for these fine warriors to move from their homeland and take over control of China they could go all the way to the edge of Western Europe The Himalayas naturally stopped them from getting to Asia however The Golden Horde may have been reason for the spread of the Black Death The Mongols established the world s second largest empire The Mongol Empire was 33 million square kilometers Ottoman Empire was bigger than the Roman Empire Alexander the Great A Greek king form Macedon an ancient kingdom Holy Roman Empire lasted nearly 900 years IV A 12th century Muslim disaster Hulagu Mongol view of empire Hulagu Khan was in charge of the army that destroyed the city of Baghdad the center of Islamic learning This marked the end of the Abbasid Dynasty From Osama Bin Laden s perspective there were three great insults to Islamic history The capture and destruction of Baghdad is seen as first of the three top disasters on this list The second was the fall of the Caliphate The Third disaster occurred in 1948 with the creation of Israel V State Building o An On going Issue o Samalia seen as a failed state they have been experiencing Civil war since 1991 South Sudan somewhat peacefully separated from Sudan in 2012 or 2011 Right now its engaged in what could be a civil war President and Vice president are having conflicts o Legitimacy Weber s types o German sociologist who lived until 1945 Baber Talked about how governments legitimately rule From a political science view legitimacy means government has a right to rule that somehow it has a special position He established three types of legitimacy 1 Traditional has worked well and shall continue Dynasties drew upon this type Idea of divine right comes about Mandate of Heaven for example Take eldest born son or daughter don t decide who s the legitimate heir it was a free for all Haram means forbidden The Ottoman empire was torn by disputes over succession 2 Charismatic Time of rapid social change arose when things were all up in the air and traditional models weren t working Martin Luther King Jr on good side or Adolf Hitler on evil side 3 Rational Legal Authority based on a sense of western logic Bureaucracy based on merit There would be a
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