SOC 100 001 Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I 4 Perspectives on Human Life II The Sociological Imagination III Theoretical Approaches IV Functionalist V Conflict VI The Symbolic Interaction Approach VII Ways of Knowing Outline of Current Lecture I Assumptions of Science II Science in Sociobiology III Criteria for a Cause IV Summary of Research Methods Current Lecture Sociology Perspective Theory and Method Assumptions of Science 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 All behavior is naturally determined People are part of the natural world Nature is orderly and regular Nature is uniform Nature is permanent All objective phenomena are eventually knowable Nothing is self evident Truth is relative to the existing state of knowledge All perceptions are achieved through the senses These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 10 People can trust their perceptions memory and reasoning as reliable agents for acquiring facts Science in Sociology The study of society based on systematic observation of social behavior Scientific truth is based on information that we can verify with our senses Criteria for a Cause 1 Establish a correlation between the independent variable and the dependent variable 2 The Independent variable must occur earlier than the dependent variable 3 The relationship cannot be explained away by a third variable Summary of Research Methods Science is just one of many ways that people attempt to make sense of their worlds Sociologists use science to establish scientific truth not ultimate truth We study causes and consequences of people s beliefs and behaviors
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