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SOC 100 Final Study Guide Chapters 9 11 14 The final will consist of 60 questions 50 from the last quarter of the course 10 from major points discussed earlier in the course The latter will include major concepts ideas that we have covered previously sociological perspectives ethnocentristm role conflict strain etc You should do well on these 10 questions by perusing your notes not rereading the text Be sure to read the relevant articles posted on RamCT except for Mirror Mirror on the Wall Global Stratification Ch 9 Relative vs absolute poverty Pg 230 o Relative Some people lack resources that are taken for granted by others Exists in every society rich or poor People living in rich countries generally focus on this o Absolute A lack of resources that is life threatening People lack the nutrition necessary for long term survival Affects more people in poorer countries Greatest in Africa 27 is malnourished People die younger Which are the rich countries Poor ones What s happened to the gap between the rich and poor countries over the past 100 years o The gap has only gotten bigger 28 times Starvation Pg 231 o In world 13 of people suffer from chronic hunger o Every 2 seconds 1 person dies of hunger o Every minute 29 people die o Every hour 1712 people die o Every day 40 000 people die o Every year 15 million people die o The loss of life due to poor nutrition every 5 years surpasses the death toll from war revolution and murder during the last 150 years Correlates of 3rd world poverty i e explanations of global poverty Pg 233 o Inadequate technology o Population growth o Cultural patterns o Social stratification o Gender inequality o Global power relationships Pg 234 Theories modernization vs dependency What is the role of the rich nations according to each theory o Modernization Theory a model of economic and social development that explains global inequality in terms of technological and cultural differences between nations Follows the structural functional approached Not every society wants to adopt new technology Tradition is the greatest barrier to economic development Four stages of modernization Traditional stage Take off stage o Life is built around families and local communities o Ife is rich in spirituality but lacking in material goods o Shake off idea of tradition and start to use their talents and imagination which sparks economic growth Drive to technological maturity o Growth is accepted o Absolute poverty is greatly reduced High mass consumption o People learn to need the expanding array of goods The role of rich nations Controlling population increase Increasing food production Introducing industrial technology Providing foreign aid terms of the historical exploitation of poor nations by rich ones Follows social conflict approach Makes low income countries dependent on high income countries Nations become rich because of poor nations Result of the global economic system Neocolonialism is the heart of the capitalist world economy Wallerstein sr capitalist world economy o Dependency Theory a model of economic and social development that explains global inequality in The world economy benefits rich societies by generating profits for them and harms the rest of the world by causing poverty The world economy thus makes poor nations dependent on rich ones The dependency involves three factors o Narrow export oriented economies Poor nations develop few industries of their own o Lack of industrial capacity Poor nations try to sell rich nations their inexpensive raw materials and they must also try to buy expensive manufactures goods from the rich nations o Foreign debt Poor countries are high in debt to rich nations The role of rich nations Who are the new colonists i e neo colonialism Pg 234 Rich nations are to lame for global poverty o Neo colonialism a new form of global power relationships that involves not direct political control but economic exploitation by multinational corporations o Multinational corporation a large business that operates in many countries Ch 11 Race and Ethnicity Majorities Minorities Definition characteristics of minorities majorities Pg 277 o Minorities any category of people distinguished by physical or cultural difference that a society sets apart and subordinates Characteristics Distinctive identity Subordination Difference between prejudice and discrimination Should we discriminate Pg 278 o Prejudice a rigid and unfair generalization about an entire category of people All people in some category are described as the same based on little or no direct evidence Stereotype is a type of prejudice o Discrimination unequal treatment of various categories of people o Prejudice refers to attitudes discrimination is a matter of action o They are involved in a vicious cycle o Should we discriminate Forms of majority minority relationships i e A B C Pg 282 Yes o Pluralism A B C A B C A state in which people of all races and ethnicities are distinct but have equal social standing US is pluralistic by law but in reality not because Few want to live exclusively with others exactly like themselves Our tolerance for social diversity can only go so far o Assimilation People of various cultures and colors do not have equal social standing A B C A The process by which minorities gradually adopt patters of the dominant culture o Melting pot Involves changes in ethnicity but not in race A B C D o Segregation Melting into a new cultural pattern A B C A B C The physical and social separation of categories of people Although it declines it is still in the US o Genocide deportation A B C A The systematic killing of one category of people by another Institutional discrimination Pg 282 o Institutional prejudice and discrimination bias built into the operation of society s institutions Brown v Board of Education of Topeka Ended legal segregation in US schools Still most US students attend schools where one race is dominant What is microaggression o A theory that hypothesizes that specific interactions between those of different races cultures or genders can be interpreted as small acts of mostly non physical aggression In what important way are the elderly NOT a minority no it s not that their lot is increasing in number Theories of aging Which is best for society Which one do the aged prefer o Functionalist o Symbolic interaction o Conflict Disengagement theory the idea that society enhances its orderly operation by disengaging people from positions of

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