ASTR 151 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I Review II Chapter 6 1 III Chapter 6 2 IV Chapter 6 3 V Chapter 6 4 Outline of Current Lecture VI Chapter 6 5 VII Chapter 6 6 VIII Chapter 6 7 IX Summary Current Lecture I II Chapt 6 5 a Interplanetary Matter i Cosmic debris that can be about anything from asteroids comets meteoroids down to dust 1 Solar wind stream of energetic charged particles that continually flows from the sun 2 Asteroid anything larger than 100meters in diameter 3 Meteoroid anything smaller than 100meters in diameter 4 Comets icy in composition and usually are 1 to 10 kilometers in diameters b Kuiper belt is an outer lying asteroid belt Chapt 6 6 a Nebular Contraction i Gas and dust slowly forms into stars b Angular Momentum i Relates to Kepler s 2nd Law ii Measure of the amount of rotation an object has taking into account it s mass shape and speed iii Angular Momentum conserved L r mv These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV iv Made by a French astronomer Rene Descartes v Cloud and dust expands and contract due to angular momentum 1 Nebula 2 Nebula contracts and collapses 3 Materials gather to form star and planets 4 Condensation Theory Process can t work without interstellar dust c Planetesimals i 100 000 year old objects that are smaller than small moons ii Tauri stars are in an active phase and have strong solar winds Chapt 6 7 a Jovian and Planetary Debri i Dust breaks into molecules ii Dust left at the core radiates the heat iii As the dust cools the particles begin to reform b Core Accretion i The time it takes for a star to form c Gravitational Instability Theory i Cool outer regions are unstable and may or may not collapse under it s weight ii The outcome depends on the core s state whether it is rough or fairly smooth iii Some theorists think Jupiter and other larger planets were not made in our solar system d Solar system formation in order from first to last i Outer space ii Inner iii Solar Nebula Summary a Planetary orbits lie almost in the same plane b Out planets are usually gaseous and large c Planetesinmals were ejected from the solar system and are new in the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud
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