TAMU BIOL 111 - Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules
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BIOLOGY 111 1st Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I Moles II Molarity III Acids and Bases IV Organic Chemistry V Carbon VI Isomers Outline of Current Lecture I Functional Groups II Four major Biomolecules III Dehydration and Hydrolysis Reactions IV Carbohydrates V Lipids VI Proteins Current Lecture Chapter 4 continue Know the basic Functional groups for the exam Hydroxyl OH oxygen more electronegative than most polar compound Alcohols carbonyl C O Ketones in the middle and Aldehydes at the end Sugars ketoses and aldoses carboxyl OH C O carbonyl and hydroxyl dissolve very easy more acidic because it can give away electron very easily Acetic acid Acetate ion act as a buffer Amino NH3 Amines act as a buffer may be ionized or non ionized Sulfhydryl SH Thiols same as hydroxyl just replace the O with S Phosphate four oxygens 4 O s attached to phosphorus P Methyl CH3 non polar b c covalent bond hard to break ATP important source of energy phosphate group splits off while reacting with water The more Hydrogen bonds that are available the more likely the molecule will be non polar and harder to break apart These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Enantiomers mirror image due to an asymmetric carbon because each of the 4 bonds to carbon are a different element or group of elements L isomer and D isomer Chapter 5 macromolecules means large molecules Four Major Biomolecules 1 carbohydrates macronutrients 2 lipids macro 3 proteins macro 4 nucleic acids micronutrients needed in large amounts Dehydration Reaction synthesis synthesis of polymers monomers linked together losing one water molecule every time two molecules come together Hydrolysis reactions broken down adds a water molecule whenever a bond between two molecules is broken lysis means breaking Monomers single Polymers monomers added to monomers Carbohydrates C H and O atoms CH2O n and name ends in ose includes both sugars and polymers of sugars cells first source of energy and is energys short term storage monosaccharides single sugar simples sugars water soluble 5 6 carbons most common ex Pentose 5 ribose and deoxyribose 5 only difference is one less Oxygen hexose 6 Glucose most common has 6 carbons and is depicted in both linear and ring form Diasaccharides joining two monosaccharides by covalent bond formed by dehydration reaction Maltose and Sucrose glycosidic linkage ester bond C O C connects two carbohydrates glucose glucose maltose or glucose fructose sucrose polysaccharides macromolecules Polymers of mono and disaccharides exist in both animals and plants and their function is to store energy starch plant polysaccharide glycogen animal polysaccharide alpha beta position of OH on ring structure alpha is down position more stable ring structure which means it is more likely to occur beta is in the up position less stable if combine alpha and beta in dehydration the disaccharide created is beta starch all OH are facing down cellulose all OH are opposite and alternate up and down gives structural support glycoside linkages form branches and chains in disaccharide by covalently bonding between two monosaccharides by a dehydration reaction Storage polysaccharide plants and animals both store sugars for later use plants store starch animals store glycogen Structural polysaccharide cellulose major component of plant cell walls that occur as long thin fibers and serve as very good structural support animals cannot digest cellulose grazing animals depend on microbial symbionts in order to hydrolyze cellulose into glucose we still eat plants even though they cannot be digested we absorb some nutrients and helps pull out all the toxins as it passes through Gastrointestinal tract as fiber Chitin exoskeleton of arthropods similar to cellulose because of the beta linkages but in addition has Nitrogen containing appendages Lipids non polar molecules serve as energy storage and some structural support dehydration reaction you re losing a water molecule H from one molecule and OH from the other molecule in synthesis of fat Fats are 3 fatty acids linked to glycerol Fatty acid long carbon skeleton one end is part of the carboxyl group and the rest of the skeleton consists of a hydrocarbon chain acid indicates the presence of a carboxyl group in the molecule ester linkage concept as glycosidic linkage the name is different in order to differentiate lipids from carbohydrates saturated fats all chains are completely taking by Hydrogen no double bonds between carbons solid at room temperature unsaturated fats chain containing one or a few double bonds between carbons liquid at room temperature Cis same side of the double bond causes some kind of bend in the structure not sticking together very well b c of the kinks therefore appears as liquid Trans opposite side of the double bond don t occur naturally ex microwaveable meals with longer shelf life by modifyingthe fat from cis to trans via hydrogenation not very healthy b c cholesterol problems and blocks arteries and not easily metabolized 4grams max daily dosage phospholipid essential for cell life because the make up the cells membrane similar to a fat molecule but only has two fatty acids attached to glycerol instead of 3 phospholipid bilayer is made up of two layers hydrophilic head water loving hydrophobic tail water hating Sterols cholesterol and steroids occur mostly in ring structure estrogen and testosterone similar in structure however the few alterations they each have cause a major difference between them observable in sexes Proteins composed of C H O N and S polymer of amino acids protein s building blocks enzymatic catalyze speed up chemical reactions name ending in ase ex sucrase maltase fructase lock and key hypothesis structural support storage store amino acids transport transport substances hormonal coordination of an organism s activites receptor response of cell to chemical stimuli contractile and motor movement defensive protect against disease the ones with the are unique to proteins all amino acids have an amino group carboxylic acid group and a hydrogen attatched to a central carbon alpha carbon and have different R groups making it asymmetric some R groups are more non polar and hydrophobic ex some R groups are more polar and hydrophilic ex some polar groups have full electrical charges at pH 7 a sign indicates an acid and a sign indicates a base peptide

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TAMU BIOL 111 - Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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