UT Knoxville ASTR 151 - Progression into the identification of various telescopes and their functions
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ASTR 151 1st Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture 1 5 1 Optical Telescope 2 5 2 Telescope Sizes 3 5 3 Images and Detectors 4 5 4 Atmospheric blurring Outline of Current Lecture 1 5 5 Radio Astronomy 2 5 6 Interferometry 3 5 7 Space Base Astronomy 4 5 8 Full Spectrum Coverage Current Lecture 1 5 5 Radio Astronomy a Adaptive Optics real time changes in atmosphere i Controls mirrors based on temperature and orientation ii Mirrors can be made up to 8 meters larger mirrors are made by multiple conjoined mirrors iii See data while it is being gathered iv If data acquisitions happens conditions may change b Radio Telescopes i Prime focus ii Largest radio telescope is 1 000ft dish at Arecibo iii Resolution still depends on wavelength c Advantages to Radio Astronomy i Less sensitive to imperfections due to longer wavelength ii Observes the sky 24 hours a day 2 5 6 Interferometry a The amount of interference depends on the direction of signal b Can be done with light but it s difficult to absorb c Combines information from several widely spread rates ElectroMagnetic Signals EM are super imposed to extract information about the waves d Construct in phase when sound waves move in unison e Destruct out phase when sound waves move out of unison f Infrared radiation produces images where visible radiation is blocked i Can use telescopes and lenses These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 3 5 7 Space Base Astronomy a Infrared Telescopes i The Spitzer telescopes b Ultra Violet telescopes c X rays and Gamma rays won t reflect off mirrors i X rays will reflect if it happens to come in fairly shallow d Gamma rays i Can t be focused at all so images are blurry 4 5 8 Full Spectrum Coverage a James Webb Space Telescope i Looks for light existing in the early universe ii Can see in infrared b Redshift i Wavelength changes based on motion away and toward observer as well as speed c Cosmo Redshift i Shows the result of the universe expanding ii Depends on how quickly and object moves

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UT Knoxville ASTR 151 - Progression into the identification of various telescopes and their functions

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