ECE 300 Signals and Systems Fall 2006 Dr Bob Throne x 8414 Room D 221 Text Fundamentals of Signals and Systems by Kamen and Heck third edition Prentice Hall 2006 GRADING POLICY 3 Exams Cumulative Final Exam Labs average of 3 lowest Lab Practical Homework Matlab work 15 each 20 10 10 10 5 Notes 1 In general you must have a passing average greater than or equal to 60 on the exams to pass the class 2 Homework assignments are due at 2 30 PM on Tuesday No late homework will be accepted without prior approval 3 You must acceptably complete each lab to pass the class 4 Prelabs are due at 2 30 PM on Tuesday These will actually be part of your homework assignment and will count for both your homework and lab grades Each person in the lab group is to do the prelab problems 5 You are expected to do your own work You can certainly talk with each other and help each other but the work you hand in should be your own As an example if two people hand in the same Matlab and both came from the same directory neither will receive any points 6 Unless specifically told otherwise on a particular problem you are expected to work out the problem by hand or use Matlab If you write on your assignment that you used Maple and are copying the answer expect to get no points You can use Maple to check your answers You cannot turn in any Maple code or plot as part of the solution to a problem Labs A portion of your course grade 20 is derived from your work in the laboratory exercises chosen to enhance the lecture material and your learning You must want to participate to learn this material and you will be rewarded for your work PASS NOTHING UP that is the only way to truly learn DO NOT let your lab partner do the work for you Your primary means of recording your work for the laboratory is by means of a laboratory notebook Each student needs to keep a notebook although normally you will be working with a lab partner Each week one lab notebook will be turned in and graded and the other lab notebook will be used for the next week s lab You and your lab partner will be allowed to use both lab notebooks for the lab practical 1 Each lab is work 25 points 5 points for the Prelab and 20 points for the lab work and notebook 2 Prelabs are due at 2 30 PM on Tuesday as part of your homework If your Prelab is not turned in at this time you will not be allowed to complete the lab 3 Each lab will have three components entered into the lab notebook Prelab Exercises Lab setup diagram Lab results and instructor checkoffs 4 Your grade in the laboratory is determined by your lab work and your lab practical 5 You will only be allowed to bring your lab notebooks and laptop to the lab practical it is to your advantage to keep well maintained lab notebooks and make sure any software used or developed in lab is on both partners laptops 6 Refer to the course webpage for more information on notebook expectations 7 You need to read the lab before you come to lab If you read through the lab you will hopefully get the big picture and understand what we are trying to do If you just blindly follow the steps in the lab with no thought as to where you are going you will get little from the labs SYLLABUS Class 1 8 31 Step ramp and impulse functions Class 2 9 4 Periodic signals Class 3 9 5 Power and energy signals Lab 1 Concept Inventory Exam Class 4 9 7 System properties Class 5 9 11 System properties Class 6 9 12 Impulse Response Lab 2 Introduction to Matlab Class 7 9 14 Convolution Properties Class 8 9 18 Convolution Class 9 9 19 Convolution Lab 3 Matlab scripts and functions Class 10 9 21 Exam 1 Class 11 9 25 Fourier Series Class 12 9 26 Fourier Series Lab 4 System impulse and step response Class 13 9 28 Spectra Class 14 10 2 Properties of Fourier Series Class 15 10 3 Response of systems to periodic inputs Lab 5 Summing harmonic sinusoids Class 16 10 5 Parseval s Theorem Gibbs Phenomena Class 17 10 9 Fourier Transforms Class 18 10 10 Fourier Transform properties Lab 6 Measurement of Fourier Coefficients Class 19 10 16 Fourier Transform properties Class 20 10 17 Fourier Transform properties Lab 7 Signal Spectra Class 21 10 19 Exam 2 Class 22 10 23 Fourier Transform properties Class 23 10 24 Fourier Transform Tables Lab 8 Audio Signals Class 24 10 26 Response of systems to aperiodic inputs Class 25 10 30 Response of a system to aperiodic inputs Class 26 10 31 Analysis of ideal filters Lab 9 Filter Design Class 27 11 2 Real Filters Class 28 11 6 Sampling Class 29 11 7 Exam 3 Lab 10 Lab Practical Class 30 11 9 Sampling
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