ADPR 3100 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Current Lecture II Medieval advertising to modern advertising A Social status B Purpose of Life C Getting goods III Recorded history IV Capitalism and Advertising V Introduction to Mutations Current Lecture Has there always been advertising Advertising and society how it changes and affects each other Advertising today is much more than notices and announcements What was done today was not done 2000 years ago Change medieval modern How advertising has changed over time Medieval world European wise and the modern world how much has changed 3 ways o Social status In Medieval world you were born a merchant die a merchant no sense of upward mobility Today we are told you can achieve anything with hard work today advertising tells you to buy this product and become successful o Purpose of life Medieval world purpose of life was to prepare for the after life These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Today still aspects of this but sense that it is okay to have fun treat yourself pamper yourself buy this product o Getting goods Medieval world people made what they ate and wore or barter Today we go the stores all advertising is intended for us to buy stuff Emerging problem Production o Making goods you want to sell BUT it isn t enough to produce you have to DISTRIBUTE have to get it out Recorded history Notices announcements persuasion Advertising is in part notifying people you have something to sell this has been going on throughout recorded history In the emergence of capitalist market societies added dimension to these notices announcements messages paid for by merchants It is only with the emergence of consumer society do you see the emergence of an industry whose job is to create these messages Consumer society industry that makes the message Advertising in part is notices and announcements efforts to persuade people to buy but its also when merchants pay people to create these messages ALSO industry with job to make these messages Capitalism advertising It is a recent development actually Recorded human hstory notices and announcements Pre and early capitalist societyes paid notices and announcements Emergence of consumer society need and means for an advertising indstury Advertising is an integral part of a specific kind of society
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