IUB TEL-T 207 - Regulation and Diversity

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Tel T 207 Lecture 27 Outline of Last Lecture I Organizational Issues in the Media Industry Outline of Current Lecture II Regulation and Diversity Current Lecture Regulation and Diversity o Only seven words out of 4000 are not allowed on TV or on broadcasts o Max Hardcore Commercial representations of hardcore pornography Found guilty of obscenity Highest form of indecency Talked a bunch of trash about obscenity and figured he was safe because of his 1 st amendment rights Ended up getting sent to jail for four years He was a martyr for the porn industry Anything on the internet or anything distributed on the internet is considered interstate commerce o Obscenity vs indecency Obscenity has no real reason to exist according to the govt Indecency is frequently convicted more Easier to hit the big targets rather than each individual rule breaker Impossible for every clip or material to be watched and decided if it violates indecency or obscenity Most content providers hosts aren t held responsible for what some of their members do o Obscenity An average person applying contemporary community standards must find that the material as a whole appeals to the prurient interest Material must depict or describe in a patently offensive way sexual conduct specifically defined by applicable law The material taken as a whole must lack serious literary artistic political or scientific value Indecent certain levels can be broadcast at certain times Profane can be broadcast at certain times o Industry Self Regulation These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Motion Picture Association of America No national theater chain will carry NC 17 films Recording Industry Association of America Parental advisory board Started in the 1980s Entertainment Software Review Board Created ratings categories

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IUB TEL-T 207 - Regulation and Diversity

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