DEFINITIONS SEXUAL HEALTH PART 2 PREGNANCY AND ABORTION PREGNANCY 1 Fertilization The initiation of biological reproduction The union of the nucleus of an egg cell with the nucleus of a sperm cell 2 Fertilized Egg The egg ovum after penetration by a sperm It is also called a zygote 3 Gene The basic unit of heredity A section of the chromosome containing chemical instructions for making a particular protein 4 Fraternal Twins Twins who develop from separate fertilized eggs Such twins are not genetically identical 5 Identical twins Twins who develop from the division of a single zygote Such twins are genetically identical 6 Infertility The inability to conceive after trying for 1 year or more 7 Assisted Reproductive Technology ART Advanced medical techniques used to treat infertility 8 Artificial Intrauterine Insemination The introduction of semen into the vagina by artificial means 9 In Vitro Fertilization IVF Combining eggs and sperm outside the body and inserting one or more fertilized eggs into the uterus 10 Gamete Intra fallopian transfer GIFT Surgically placing the ovum and the sperm in the fallopian tubes prior to fertilization 11 Zygote Intra fallopian Transfer ZIFT Surgically placing a fertilized egg into the fallopian tubes 12 Trimester One of the three 3 month periods of pregnancy 13 Blastocyst A stage of development Days 6 14 before the cell cluster becomes the embryo and placenta 14 Embryo The stage of development between the blastocyst and fetus From weeks 2 8 15 Placenta The organ through which the fetus receives nourishment and empties waste via the mother s circulatory system After birth the placenta is expelled from the uterus 16 Umbilical cord The cord connecting the placenta and the fetus through which nutrients pass 17 Amniotic sac A membranous pouch enclosing and protecting the fetus It contains amniotic fluid which cushions the fetus 18 Ultrasonography The use of high frequency sound waves to view the fetus in the uterus It is also known as ultrasound 19 Sonogram The visual image of the fetus in utero produced by ultrasonography 20 Amniocentesis A process by which amniotic fluid is removed and analyzed to detect possible birth defects 21 Chorionic Villus Sampling CVS Surgical removal of a tiny section of the chorionic villi to be analyzed for genetic defects 22 Quadruple Marker Screen QMS A measurement of four hormones to assess the risk of fetal abnormalities 23 Rh Factor A protein found in blood Rh incompatibility between the mother and the fetus can jeopardize the fetus s health 24 Teratogen An agent or influence that causes physical defects in a developing fetus 25 Congenital Malformation A physical defect existing at the time of birth It is either inherited or caused during gestation 26 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome FAS A combination of birth defects caused by excessive alcohol consumption by the mother during pregnancy 27 Ectopic Pregnancy A pregnancy in which the embryo develops outside the uterus 28 Preeclampsia A condition of pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure and protein in the urine 29 Eclampsia A severe potentially life threatening form of preeclampsia which is characterized by seizures 30 Placenta Previa A complication of pregnancy in which the placenta covers the cervical opening either partially or fully preventing the mother from delivering the baby vaginally 31 Placental Abruption A complication of pregnancy in which a normally implanted placenta prematurely separates from the uterine wall 32 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus GDM A form of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy 33 Premature Born before the 37th week of pregnancy 34 Low birth weight LBW Weighing less than 5 5 lbs at birth Often the result of prematurity 35 Infant mortality The death of a child less than 1 year of age 36 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIDS The sudden death of an apparently healthy infant during sleep 37 Labor The act or process of giving birth to a child Expelling it with the placenta from the mother s body by means of uterine contractions 38 Contraction Shortening of the muscles in the uterine wall which causes effacement and dilatation of the cervix This helps in expelling the fetus 39 Transition The last part of the first stage of labor during which the cervix becomes fully dilated It is characterized by intense and frequent contractions 40 Lightening A process in which the uterus sinks down because the baby s head settles into the pelvic area 41 Apgar Score A formalized system for assessing a newborn s need for medical assistance 42 Cesarean Section A surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus performed to deliver a fetus 43 Postpartum period The period of about 3 months after delivering a baby 44 Lactation The production of breast milk 45 Colostrum A yellowish fluid secreted by the mammary glands around the time of childbirth until the milk comes in about the third day 46 Postpartum Depression An emotional low that may be experienced by a mother following childbirth ABORTION 1 Miscarriage A naturally occurring spontaneous abortion 2 Viable Capable of surviving outside the uterus 3 Suction Curettage Removal of the embryo or fetus by means of suction 4 Manual Vacuum Aspiration MVA The vacuum aspiration of uterine contents performed manually by a handheld syringe 5 Multi fetal pregnancy reduction MFPR A method of abortion used to reduce the number of fetuses in a multiple fetus pregnancy 6 Dilatation and Evacuation D E The method of abortion most commonly used between 13 24 weeks of pregnancy Following dilatation of the cervix both aspiration and curettage instruments are used as needed 7 Intact dilatation and extraction A rarely used method of late term abortion wherein an intact fetus is removed from the uterus
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