INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS COMMUNICATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A relationship is defined as a state of Relationships help us and emotionally Our choice of relationships depends on our experiences The most important part we bring to a relationship is The magic ratio to maintain a successful relationship is The average number of confidants an average person has is Passionate love is accompanied by and changes in the body This drives us to wander around in a daze not eat not sleep 8 The key components of communication are and communication 9 Steps to resolve a conflict 10 The characteristic of demandingness is and 11 The characteristics of responsiveness are and 12 The 4 identified parenting styles are and 13 The main characteristic of a successful family is SHORT ANSWERS 1 3 Types of attachment displayed in relationships 2 5 stages of any relationship 3 Characteristics of a good friend are 4 Challenges experiences in a relationship are 5 Types of unhealthy relationships 6 Appropriate ways to end a relationship
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