Rose-Hulman ECE 300 - Filter Design and Measurement

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ROSE HULMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE 300 Signals and Systems Winter 2006 2007 Filter Design and Measurement Lab 09 by Bruce A Black Robert Throne and Mario Simoni Objectives In this lab we will examine filters in different ways We will first investigate three different kinds of lowpass filters and the properties they possess These filters illustrate the types of trade offs we must make when designing a system We will then experimentally measure the magnitude of the frequency response of a fifth order Butterworth filter and compare this with the predicted response Finally we will use a filter to measure the relevant bandwidth of a signal and look at the effects of filtering on a real world signal Equipment Agilent Function Generator Digital Oscilloscope Orange Butterworth Filter BNC T connector 50 termination Floppy disk Background A periodic signal can be represented by the complex exponential form of the Fourier series When a periodic signal is applied to the input of a filter each of the harmonic components of the input signal experiences an amplitude and phase change caused by the filter At the filter output the harmonic components add together to produce the output waveform The amplitude and phase changes experienced by each of the input components combine to make the output signal different from the input signal in a predictable way This difference between the input and output waveform is called distortion Stated mathematically suppose x t is a periodic input signal with period T0 H is the frequency response of the filter i e the Fourier transform of its input response h t and y t is the filter output Then the input x t can be written x t ae jk 0 t k k where 0 2 T0 As the input signal passes through the filter the input coefficients ak become altered by the filter to become the output coefficients bk where bk H k 0 ak The output y t is then given by y t be k k jk 0 t H k a e k 0 jk 0t k Page 1 of 9 ECE 300 Signals and Systems In practice there is not usually an infinite number of components to be added to produce either x t or y t only components with significant amplitudes need to be included Pre Lab Review Lab 5 Part 1 Filtering Periodic Signals This is a continuation of the work you did in Lab 5 Now we are going to concentrate a bit more on the filters and examine some trade offs between different common types of lowpass filters Much of what follows is the same as for Lab 5 but there are a few changes at the end when we use different types of filters a Use your code from Lab 5 to determine the Complex Fourier series representation using 20 terms of the following periodic function defined over one period 0 2 t 1 1 1 t 2 x t 3 2 t 3 0 3 t 4 b For the majority of the filters it uses Matlab assumes filter has the form b s N bN 1s N 1 b2 s 2 b1s b0 H s N N aN s aN 1s N 1 a2 s 2 a1s a0 Hence in order to represent any filter Matlab just uses an array for the b coefficients and an array for the a coefficients For example we might have two variables arrays B and A to store the coefficients These variables would be B bN b1 b0 A aN a1 a0 Let s assume we want to use a 10 order Butterworth lowpass filter with a frequency cutoff of 20 0 Use the help command to look up the Matlab function butter You should return the coefficients in two arrays i e your command should be B A butter Note that we are constructing an analog filter here so read all of the description for the butter command th c We now again need to find the variable H0 H 0 the variable array H H j 0 H j 2 0 H jN 0 To find H 0 we use the fact that b0 a0 If the b and a coefficients are stored in arrays B and A we can write H 0 Page 2 of 9 ECE 300 Signals and Systems H0 B end A end Where end tells Matlab to get the last element of the array The command freqs will be helpful for finding the variable array H d Plot the Fourier series representation for both the input signal x t and the output signal y t on the same graph for N 25 terms using different line types and a legend The title of your graph should indicate that you are using a Butterworth filter If you have done everything correctly your graph should look like that in Figure 1 Print out this graph and attach it to the worksheet at the end of this lab Butterworth Filter Number of Terms 25 3 5 3 Original Input Output 2 5 2 1 5 1 0 5 0 0 5 1 2 1 0 1 Time sec 2 3 4 Figure 1 Input and Fourier series representation of the input and output using a 10th order Butterworth filter It will be useful to look at a frequency response plot of the filter you are using You will need to make three plots on one page using the subplot command Type orient tall before any of the plotting so you can use more of the page e The first plot is the magnitude of the transfer function as a function of frequency You will need to use the abs command You should also put a grid on your figure f The second plot is the phase of the transfer function in degrees as a function of frequency In order to see the phenomena we want to see use the sequence of commands unwrap angle H 180 pi The most important command here is unwrap which allows angles of more than 180 degrees g The third plot is the magnitude of the transfer function in dB as a function of frequency Here you need to use the commands semilogx and log10 Page 3 of 9 ECE 300 Signals and Systems Be sure to include the type of filter you are using in your title If you have done everything correctly you should get a plot like that shown in Figure 2 Print out this graph and attach it to the worksheet at the end of the lab Butterworth Filter Phase deg H 1 0 5 5 10 15 Frequency rad sec 20 25 5 10 15 Frequency rad sec 20 25 100 200 300 400 500 HdB 0 10 20 0 10 1 10 Frequency rad sec 2 10 Figure 2 Frequency response of the 10th order Butterworth filter h If the phase of the filter is exactly linear then we should have the relationship slope of filter in radians sec time delay Using a straight edge or ruler draw a line on your graph between the …

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Rose-Hulman ECE 300 - Filter Design and Measurement

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