GEOL 240Lg 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Definition of science II What is a Paradigm III Who is George Mendel IV Introduction to what are Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes V 1960 s Revolution in Earth Science VI Defining edges of Tectonic Plates VII Fault Planes Outline Current Lecture 1 Transform Boundaries 2 San Andreas Fault 3 Mid Oceanic Ridge 4 Transform Faults 5 Continental Lithosphere Oceanic Lithosphere Continent Continent Collision Current Lecture I Transform Boundaries a Transform Fault connects spreading ridge segments They are only active earthquakes between spreading ridge segments b All transform faults are SS faults but not all strike slip faults are transform faults II III IV V VI Mid Oceanic Ridge a Earthquakes along a mid oceanic ridge crest Note that earthquakes occur only along the ridge crest and transforms between ridge segments San Andrea Fault connects with Gulf of California it is a transform fault Continental lithosphere these are highly variable For example in thickness and much are much thicker than the oceanic lithospheres They are up to 100km in thickness relatively buoyant floats Hint Hot things are buoyant Oceanic lithospheres 100km in thickness are relatively dense they are dense because they are to metals Hint Cold things are dense Continent Continent Collision examples of these are huge massive mountains An example of this is India VS Asia
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