MSU MTH 234 - Course Outline

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Course alpha number title MTH 234 Multivariable Calculus Required or elective Required Course catalog description Vectors in space Functions of several variables and partial differentiation Multiple integrals Line and surface integrals Green s and Stokes s theorems Prerequisite s MTH 133 or MTH 153H or LBS 119 Textbook s and or other required material Calculus Alternate Edition by Thomas Class Lab schedule 4 credit hours 3 lectures per week and 1 recitation Topics covered 1 Vectors and their properties 2 Equations of lines and planes 3 Arc Length of curves in space 4 Functions of several variables and their limits 5 Partial derivatives 6 Extrema of functions of 2 or 3 variables 7 Lagrange multipliers 8 Double and triple integrals and their applications 9 Integrals in polar form and in cylindrical and spherical coordinates 10 line and surface intefrals 11 Conservative fields and potential functions 12 Green s Theorem Stokes Theorem and the Divergence Theorem Course learning objectives For the student to be able to 1 Work with functions of several variables 2 Use partial derivatives and multiple integrals in applications 3 Use line integrals and surface integrals in applications 4 Understand Green s Theorem Stokes Theorem and the Divergence Theorem Relationship of course to XXX program outcomes The following measurement standard is used to evaluate the relationship between the course outcomes and the educational program outcomes 3 Strong Emphasis 2 Some Emphasis 1 Little or No Emphasis a an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics science and engineering 3 b an ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret data 1 c an ability to design a system component or process to meet desired needs 1 d an ability to function on multi disciplinary teams 1 e an ability to identify formulate and solve engineering problems 1 f an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility 1 g an ability to communicate effectively 1 h the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global societal context 1 i a recognition of the need for and the ability to engage in life long learning 1 j a knowledge of contemporary issues 1 k an ability to use the techniques skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice 1 l design build and test in mechanical systems area 1 m design build and test in thermal fluids area 1 n application of advanced mathematics 3 o capstone design experience 1 Contribution to professional component 100 Mathematics and Basic Science Person s who prepared this description Gerald Ludden Date of Preparation January 23 2004

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MSU MTH 234 - Course Outline

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