IUB TEL-T 207 - Video Game Industry II

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Tel T 207 Lecture 20 Outline of Last Lecture I Video Game Industry Outline of Current Lecture II Video Game Industry Continued Current Lecture Video Game Industry Continued o Cartridges themselves were an extreme cost Help less than an MP3 does o Controllers had to be developed Had to figure out the technology at first o Big problems in the 70s and 80s So many consoles that people were picking from and publishers didn t know which one to focus on No quality control Games were terrible because there were so many consoles ET game from 1983 Video game industry almost collapsed Nintendo emerged o More dynamic controller o Games could extend product lifespan o Sold consoles at a loss but made up for it in games o Controllers began to become more dynamic More than just knobs Directional pads Eventually got ergonomic curves shoulder pads more buttons etc Analog stick appeared in 2000 o Allowed for control of things by mere degrees o When gaming is primitive adults don t take it seriously Used to only be for kids and teens aka young males Most games were about sports and killing o Girls at the time didn t want this o Polygons could render things in 3D space Before 1997 sprites had to be drawn Now could model polygons and get rid of the constant drawing o Music gaming began to appear in 2003 More of an audience male female and young These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Not just a toy anymore o Shifted from cartridges to CDs because the cost of cartridges was too high Allowed for CGI animations could play video for users in the game o Xbox had the first internal hardrive in 2003 o Over time games were able to tell more stories and you could begin to license music o Games are becoming more and more realistic Example Rock Band and Guitar Hero creating controllers that are more and more realistic o Wii grew the adoption marketplace Made controllers that are easy for pretty much everyone to understand

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IUB TEL-T 207 - Video Game Industry II

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