Stanford EE 133 - A Quick Circuit Orientation and Lab Schedule

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EE133 Winter 2004 Circuit Orientation and Lab Schedule v1 0 EE133 Analog Communications Lab A Quick Circuit Orientation and Lab Schedule This quarter you will be building a FM radio transmitter and receiver operating at 24MHz Each lab will be a part of this final project which you will characterize and integrate at the end of the quarter You will be soldering your circuits on through hole boards with metal traces on the back Below is a block diagram of the transmitter and receiver circuits you will be building and the recommended approximate placement of the blocks on your solder boards Don t worry if none of these blocks makes sense to you yet That s the whole point of the class This is just the map to help you understand how all the parts are connected As you can probably guess there are several ways to build each block In this class we present options and topologies for each but we encourage you to do your own exploring Usually the labs will center around the characterization of a particular block This is ultimately a design lab so we encourage you to get your creative juices flowing as you try to improve the performance of your circuits That said the next page gives an overview of the topics covered by each of the labs and the associated readings from the text By the end of the quarter you should all have a firm grasp of the main principles and challenges of real world RF circuit design 1 EE133 Winter 2004 Circuit Orientation and Lab Schedule v1 0 2 EE133 Lab Schedule Week Lab Topics Readings 1 5 Lab Intro HSPICE Tutorial Use of Lab Equipment Lab Safety Soldering HSPICE Real World Issues nonidealities Ch 3 3 113 13 Ch 5 5 3 5 7 Ch 6 all 1 12 Lab 1 Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation Fundamentals of AM Peak Detection Synchronous Detection 2 Quad 4 Quad Multipliers Handouts Lecture Notes 1 19 Lab 2 Using Oscillators to Generate FM Signals Lab 1 Writeup Due Fundamentals of FM Voltage Controlled Oscillators Colpitts Oscillators Impedance Transformations LC Tank Resonance Crystal Oscillators Ch 17 17 5 12 Ch 6 Ch 11 11 1 11 5 Ch 4 4 3 4 4 1 26 Lab 2 Using Oscillators to Generate FM Signals cont d cont d cont d 2 2 Lab 3 Low Noise Amplifier Lab 2 Writeup Due Impedance Matching ShuntShunt Feedback Amplifiers Smith Charts S Parameters Ch 9 all Ch 10 10 3 Ch 11 11 1 11 5 Ch 4 4 3 4 4 2 9 Lab 4 FM Demodulation using the PLL Lab 3 Writeup Due Demodulation Phase Locked Loops Transmitting and Receiving Handouts Lecture Notes 2 16 Lab 5 IF Amplification and Filtering Lab 4 Writeup Due Intermediate Frequency Amplifiers Cookbook Passive Filters Handouts Lecture Notes 2 23 Lab 6 The Power Amplifier and LNA revisited Power Amplifiers Power Efficiency Linearity LNA Input Filtering Antenna Matching Ch 16 16 5 Ch 14 all 3 1 System Integration and Catch up System Characterization and Optimization Handouts Lecture Notes 3 8 Dead Week Presentations and Demo Day Characterization Field Testing 3 15 Finals Week Final Project Writeups Due

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Stanford EE 133 - A Quick Circuit Orientation and Lab Schedule

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