10 25 13 Human Development 2 PSYC 100 Fall 2013 Announcements Exam 2 scores were released last night Overall the class average improved from the rst exam I will NOT do the appointment system this Jme First come rst serve If you want to review your exam you need to send me an email in advance with your name AND secJon i clicker Children who su er severe neglect have been found to have brains that are smaller lighter and that develop abnormally These results are most likely due to A B C D a lack of synapJc connecJons a lack of synapJc pruning a lack of myelin pruning a lack of plasJcity 1 10 25 13 i clicker Both Tyler and Jimmy are healthy boys Tyler grew up on a farm and was constantly taking care of his family s cows and pigs However Jimmy grew up in a large city and had access to a lot of video games and TV As adults Tyler and Jimmy are likely to have di erent brain structuring due to the process of A myelin pruning B synapJc pruning C myelinaJon D synapJc overproducJon Harlow s Monkeys Mid 1900s Infants needed mothers as a food source Attachment Theory Bowlby stresses importance of aYachment in rst year and responsiveness of caregiver AYachment to the mother ensures survival adequate care System of infant signals and parental responses 2 10 25 13 Attachment Categories Secure aYachment 65 Insecure ambivalent 10 Insecure avoidant 20 Disorganized Less than 5 Signi icance of Attachment Caregiver sensiJvity thought to be key Perceive and interpret cues Respond appropriately and promptly Secure sensiJve available responsive Insecure ambivalent unpredictable inconsistent Insecure avoidant emoJonally unavailable depressed rejecJng Disorganized neglect physical abuse The Signi icance of Attachment Secure aYachment in rst year is important foundaJon for psychological development Internal Working Models Bowlby Bene ts of secure aYachments over Jme BeYer adjusted more socially skilled EmoJonal expression communicaJon 3 10 25 13 Piaget s Theory of Cognitive Development Piaget believed that each stage builds on the previous stage through two learning processes 1 AssimilaJon using exisJng schemas to understand new informaJon or experience 2 AccommodaJon adjust exisJng schemes or create new schemes when new informaJon or experiences do not t into exisJng schemes Assimilation Basic Schema of Cat Small Furry Pointy ears Four legs Walks jumps Accommodation Basic Schema of Cat Small Furry Pointy ears Four legs Walks jumps 4
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