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9 19 13 SENSATION PERCEPTION 2 PSYC 100 Fall 2013 Announcements Exam on Monday 9 23 Same time same location Bring 2 pencils an eraser and have your UD ID We will provide the scantrons Gestalt School of Thought Who can tell me about the Gestalt school of thought that was covered in Chapter 1 1 9 19 13 Bottom Up Top Down Processing Bottom Up This term means that data are relayed in the brain from lower higher levels of processing Ingredients Meal Top Down Information at higher levels lower levels of processing Meal Ingredients Michael Shermer TED talk Michael Shermer mentions in his talk that humans are pattern seeking animals Toward the end of his talk he plays a song backwards for the audience Next he plays it again with lyrics on the screen The notion that the lyrics influences auditory perception is A top down processing B bottom up processing Face Processing Why is face perception important for human beings Humans are social beings Human faces convey a lot of information Face processing vs Object processing Faces are NOT processed like any other object 2 9 19 13 How Do These Two Faces Look What Happens When We Can t Recognize Faces 3

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