UD PSYC 100 - 1.+Course+Info

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Introduction to Animal Science Course Information Course Learning Outcomes Provide foundation for more ANFS courses Interrelationships with non ag sector Critical thinking for current issues Web Page Sakai o http www udel edu sakai Syllabus Class notes outlines You can print and bring to class May change slightly Textbook Homework o Homework Video audio lectures and chapters Extra Credit o Counting Highest Exam Twice o Please do not ask for other extra credit assignments Grading Policy Hour Exams 4 100 points each 400 Highest exam grade Total Points 100 500 Over 92 A 89 91 A 86 88 B 81 85 B 78 80 B 75 77 C 70 74 C 67 69 C 64 66 D 60 63 D 56 59 D and less than 55 F Course Philosophy o o o o o Learning a language details details details Science Questions always welcome Participation attendance expected Opinions respected o Email communication o UD account Instructor My resume Dr Lesa Griffiths Phone 831 2524 Office 48 Townsend Hall E mail address lesa udel edu Office Hours Starting Sept 11 W 9 00 11 00 am and 3 30 5 00 pm Or by appt B S in Animal Science University Cornell M S in Animal Science University Purdue Ph D in Animal Science Purdue University At Cornell University o The Hamster Project o Design a diet o Feed hamsters o Monitor weight gain At Cornell University o Undergraduate Research Project o Taste Preferences in Zoo Carnivores At the zoo o Worked with lions tigers cougars bears snakes various hoof stock skunks ferrets foxes water fowl birds of prey exotic birds o Inherited a zoo reject Phoenix Phoenix What to do next o Vet school OR o Graduate School o Exotic animal nutrition o Undergraduate research o Mono gastric animal nutrition o Favorite course and research o Food Science o Courses At Purdue University o Swine Nutrition o M S focus on nursing and weanling pigs o Ph D focus on lactating sows o Met people from all over the world o After 9 10 years in college o Time for a real job Tom At The University of Delaware o Research in Applied Swine Nutrition o Teach production courses o Swine o Beef Cattle and Sheep o Teach Intro Course At The University of Delaware o Study Abroad hoping to go again winter 2013 At The University of Delaware o 1997 2001 Associate Dean o Academic Programs o 2001 2011 Assoc Provost o Institute for Global Studies o Student Organizations co advise o Animal Science Club o Equestrian Team o Undergraduate Academic Advisor In my spare time o Family In my spare time o Lots of pets Needle Felting Next o Chapter 23 o The Human Animal Bond and Companion Animals

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UD PSYC 100 - 1.+Course+Info

Documents in this Course


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Exam 3

Exam 3

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Exam 3

Exam 3

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Exam 2

Exam 2

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

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