OPNET Overview Setup Introduction and Tutorials Demonstration Ethernet Lab TOC OPNET Overview Original work at MIT now maintained and marketed by OPNET Inc Discrete event simulator OPNET Modeler Hierarchical modeling that mimics real life architecture Network Node and Process Layer modeling At Process Layer a finite state machine representation is used for modeling where state behavior is dictated by C code Canned process models are supplied open code for many popular communication protocols Decent capabilities for animation GUI analysis debugging etc OPNET IT Guru Deals with only Network Layer other layers are pre canned and invisible TOC OPNET Overview Setup Follow instructions supplied on an insert in the textbook to Obtain the Experiments Manual from http booksite mkp com Aboelela Obtain OPNET IT Guru Academic Edition software from http www opnet com itguru academic mk setup portal html if installing on your own PC OPNET IT Guru Academic Edition is installed on the EECS instructional Windows machines Can be accessed using your EECS Windows account Can also be accessed by remote terminal service Remote Desktop Connection in Windows XP Will need to know the IP address of the host to access from an off campus location Class accounts are available from the instructors or see http inst eecs berkeley edu TOC OPNET Setup Introduction and Tutorials Required manual sections will be posted on the class website s syllabus link available when an assignment is out Go through the Introduction of the Experiments Manual to develop a good familiarity with the simulation tool Should not have to change the OPNET preferences Only answer the lab questions indicated for each assignment Introduction leads you to the following tutorials packaged with the software Introduction Small Internetworks TOC OPNET Tutorials Demonstration Ethernet Lab Let s walk through the Ethernet lab Lab 1 of the Manual First OPNET assignment is the Ethernet lab Lab 1 of the Manual Due back on Thursday February 24 TOC OPNET Demonstration Ethernet Lab
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