UW-Milwaukee KIN 325 - Elbow Joint

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Kin 325 Anatomical Kinesiology Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I Shoulder Girdle Associated Joints Muscles Outline of Current Lecture I Elbow Joint Ligaments Tendons Nerves Current Lecture Elbow Joint almost 180 degrees of motion and is a Hinge Joint consists of the humerus radius and ulna There are three articulation points Proximal Radioulnar between the radius and ulna Humeroradial between the humerus and radius Humeroulnar between the humerus and ulna Trochlea medial and capitulum lateral articulate with the radius and ulna Ligaments These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Radial Collateral lateral Ulnar Collateral medial Anular Ring around head of radius Synovial membrane is separated from the fibrous membrane by fat pads Tendons Biceps Tendon attaches biceps muscle allows flexion Triceps Tendon attaches the triceps allows straightening Lateral Extensor and Medial Flexor Nerves Radial Ulnar Median Constant bending and straightening of the arm may cause nerve irritation Arteries Brachial largest artery in the arm and splits into two radial and ulnar just below the elbow

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UW-Milwaukee KIN 325 - Elbow Joint

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