BIOL 460: Final Exam
51 Cards in this Set
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Reasons why myocardium cannot sustain contraction
-not organized into motor units (no asynchronous activation)
-myocardial cells have a very long refractory period
SA Node
-pacemaker of the heart that generates AP automatically
Atrioventricular node
-composed of specialized cardiac myocites, propagate AP more slowly
Bundle of His
-(AV bundle)
-cells of AV node are continuous with this
-divides into left/right bundle branch that produces fibers called pukinje fibers
purkinje fibers
-follow the bundle of His
-terminate in papillary muscle
Ectopic Focus
other cells beside SA node cells that function as a pacemaker
-Studies ion currents through skin
-Contains P wave, QRS wave and T wave
-Can be used to determine cardiac arrhythmias
P wave
depolarization of atrial myocardium
QRS wave
depolarization of ventricular myocardium
T wave
repolarization of ventricular myocardium
-ST segment represents plateau phase
Brady cardia
heart rate of <60 bpm
heart rate of >100 bpm
-normal during excercise due to increase of sympathetic stimulus of SA node
Sinus Tachycardia
SA node is generating under normal conditions
AV Node block
caused by damage to AV node
P-R interval
-Time between the P wave and R portion of QRS (.12-.2 sec)
Types of AV Node block
-1st degree AV node block: P-R interval >.2 sec
-2nd degree AV node block: AP are not spread to ventricular myocardium, P wave is not followed by QRS: 1/3 or 1/4 impulses make it through the node
-3rd degree AV node block: complete blockage: AV node never passes AP into ventricular myoc…
Flutter and fibrillation
-extremely rapid rates of electrical excitation
-occur in both atrial and ventricular myocardium
very rapid heart rate (200-300 bpm)
parts of myocardium are generating AP and others aren't
-not pumping blood
-enlarged heart/scar tissue will slow AP through Ventricular myocardium
-Smallest blood vessels in body ( 40 bill/body)
-supplied w/ blood by arteriole
-wall of capillary is endothelium composed of endothelial cells-simple squamous (Very thin)
Blood flow through capillaries
blood travels through capillaries, exchange materials, venules, veins
types of capillaries
Fenestrated Capillaries
-openings between endothelial cells, porous
-fenestrae small enough to prevent cells from traveling though but large enough to allow water ions and AA to travel (paracellular)
-Found in kidneys, endocrine glands and intestines
Continuous Capillaries
-less porous than fenestrated, plasma membrane of endothelial cells folds inward
-paracellular movement is uncommon
-pinocytotic vesicles
-transcellular transport
-found in muscles, lungs and CNS
Layers of Arteries/Veins
-Tunica externa- connective tissue
-Tunica media: against the lumen, smooth muscle and connective tissue
-Tunica intima: endothelium
Types of arteries
-Elastic arteries
-Muscular arteries
-Smaller arteries
-supply blood to capillaries
Elastic arteries
-large in size
-have layers of elastic connective tissue in addition to smooth muscle in tunic media
-elasticity allows structure of arteries to keep blood pressure at relatively constant levels
Muscular arteries
-smaller than elastic, less connective tissue and more smooth muscle
-vasoconstriction- contraction of smooth muscle of a blood vessel
-Vasodilation- relaxation of smooth muscle of blood vessel
-collagen is not very stretchy
-valves prevent blood from travelling backwards, leads blood to heart
-Varicose vein: a vein that has been stretched becasue the elasticity has "worn out"
-type of vein
-smallest vein recieve blood from capillary
-form together to fuse large veins
-blood pressure is 10mHg
Lymphatic system
-return excess tissue fluid to the blood stream
-lymph vessels
-also has a filter/immune function, return escaped plasma proteins to the blood and fat absorption in the small intestine
tissue fluid within a lymph vessel
lymph vessels
-Lymph capillaries: smaller
-Lymphatics: larger, thinner in structure than veins
-valves allow one way travel to heart
-Two large lymph vessels
--Thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct
thoracic duct
largest lymphatic empties lymph into left subclavian vein
Right lymphatic duct
receives lymph from right arm/chest/head and carries lymph into right subclavian vein
Lymph Nodes
-similar in structure to a kidney bean, contains connective tissue (leucocytes and macrophages)
-afferent lymphatics
-efferent lymphatics
connective tissue partitions that divide lymph node into regions
afferent lymphatics
transport lymph towards lymph node
efferent lymphatics
transport lymph away from lymph node
spreading of cancer cells thoughout the body
Plasma proteins cause...
-too large to leave blood capillaries
-important for blood to be hypertonic relative to tissue fluid which is hypotonic
Fat absorption via lymph
-products of protein digestion enter capillaries in villi
-fatty acids and monoglycerides are products of lipid digestion that enter cells in villi of small intestine
droplet of cholesterol/monoglycerides/fatty acids that are coated with proteins to make them soluble
-leave cells in villis via exocytosis
-can enter lacteal
-cisternae chyli- lacteals drain into these; these drain into thoracic duct
lymph capillaries in villi of small intestine
-disease affecting an arteriole blood vessel
-responsible for 50% of deaths/year in USA
-injury to endothelium of an artery trigger inflammation coupled with atheromas
fatty plaques and formation of blood clots
ways to injure endothelium
-chemicals in cigarette smoke
-not brushing/flossing teeth
-viral attack
-high BP
-ischemia- reduced blood supply to a tissue resulting in angina pectoris (chest pain)
traveling blood clot
stationary blood clot
Low density lipoproteins (LDLs)
-made from chylomicrons
-coated with proteins (apolipoproteins)
-many cells have receptors for apolipoproteins and cells will undergo receptor mediated endocytosis
-liver cells will downregulate and allow LDLs to build up in blood stream