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Essential benefit
the fundamental need met by a product *have to understand the benefit first EX car-provides transportation
core product
how the essential benefit is delivered to meet expectations
augmented product
extends the core product with features that exceed expectations
Product (goods and services)
tangibility, separability, perishability, uniformity)
microwaves, furniture, washers, telephones, etc
shampoo. toothpaste, paper, office supplies
convenience product
inexpensive and merits little shopping effort (ex: advil)
shopping product
requires comparison, more expensive, found in fewer stores (laptops)
specialty products
unique, willing to search extensively, customers are reluctant to accept substitutes (ex: paintings)
unsought products
don't actively seek out, usually would not want to purchase at all (ex divorce decrees)
product line depth
the number of product items in a product line (attracts buyers with different preferences, increases sales by serving multiple market segments, capitalizes on economies of scale)
product lines offer:
advertising economies, package uniformity, standardized components, efficient sales and distribution, equivalent quality
Product Width mix:
the number of product lines offered by a firm (risk management, makes the most of established company reputation, spread fixed costs over many more products)
Product Line Adjustments:
Product modification, repositioning, extensions
a name, term, symbol, design that identifies a seller’s product
brand equity
how much the nam is worth
Manufacturers’ brand
“national brand” (LG, Maytag, Whirlpool)
Private label/house brand
Owned by a retailer, “store brand” (Sears, Wegmans)
brand image
reinforced by marketing communications, promotions, pricing, etc. -- brand promise to create satisfaction and loyalty
4 components of brand value
1. experiential value (one key benefit) 2. reputation value (perceived quality) 3. relationship value (long term partner) 4. symbolic value (self expression, badge)
When branding works best
solving problems for manufacturers and customers
2 different branding approaches
house of brands (Procter & Gamble) ; branded house (BMW)
New Products: many are introduced, most fail
Poor concept Poor technology Poor use of research data Poor commercialization Inadequate company capabilities Management biases in decision-making
Success factors for new products
Matches customer need; perceived high value Technical superiority Fits internal company strengths Has top management support Enthusiastic product champion Good communication between functions Fast cycle time: short time-to-market
Ideation (conceptualization, fuzzy front end) Development funnel (market research, prototyping, market testing) Commercialization (pricing, positioning, branding, promotion)
Source of new-product ideas
Customers Employees Distributors Vendors Competitors R&D Consultants
Simultaneous Product development:
Team oriented approach to new product development in which all relevant functional areas participate in the development process. Cross functional team
Considerations in business analysis stage
Determine costs Forecast demand Estimate profitability
Product line Architecture:
Product generation map, a visual representation of the planned rollout of new products over several years.

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