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where the neural plate becomes the neural tube. (w/in 1 month of conception) 
The lumen of the tube becomes the
cerebral ventricles and the spinal canal 
Which vitamin helps prevent birth defects?
Folic Acid 
failure of the anterior end of neural tube to close 
Spina Bifida:
failure of the posterior end of neural tube to close. 
Radial Glial Cells:
neural progenitors: give rise to neurons and astrocytes. 
Symmetrical Cell Division
both daughter cells become radial glia cells. 
Asymmetrical Cell Division
one daughter cell becomes a radial glial cell, the other becomes a neural precursor cell 
Fate of the neural precursor cell depends on:
gene transcription, position w/in ventricular zone, and environmental niche 
Dual Notch signaling leads to
neural differentiation. 
Which genes determine neuronal differentiation?
Hes genes. Activated by NICD. 
Hes genes upregulate
bHLH and neuronal differentiation 
Adult neurogenesis occurs in
the olfactory bulbs and hippocampus 
Where do cortical pyramidal neurons and astrocytes originate?
In the dorsal telencephaon. 
Where do interneurons and oligodendrocytes originate?
In the ventral telencephalon. 
What comes 1st in development of cortex?
Cells migrate from the ventricular zone to form the subplate. 
What happens 2nd in development of cortex?
Cells that form the cortical plate/layer VI migrate through the subplate. 
What happens 3rd in the development of cortex?
Cells that form layer V migrate through the subplate. 
Lissencephaly is characterized by
Lissencephaly is characterized by
Lissencephaly is linked to mutation in the
DCX gene & Reelin 
a protein secreted by cells in the marginal zone. Allows for passage of radial glial cells through the subplate. 
Cell Differentiation:
neural precursor cell takes on the appearance and characteristic of a neuron 
Determinants of differentiation include:
where neuroblasts were born, spatiotemporal pattern of gene expression, signals from neighboring cells, specific inputs from sub cortical areas. 
Netrin is a
chemoattractant. 
Slit is a
chemorepellant. 
Growth cones are found
on the end of neurites. 
In synapse formation
growth cone attaches, contact recruits synaptic vesicles, and neurotransmitter receptors accumulate. 
passive cell death, affects a group of cells 
active self-destruction, affects an isolated cell. 
Trophic factors
secreted by the target cell, picked up at the axon terminal and transported back to the cell body. 
Neurotrophic factors regulate
expression of genes, growth, longevity 
2 types of trophic factor receptors:
Trk, p75 
p75 neurotrophic receptors aid in:
neurite growth, cell death, and cell survival 
Trk neurotrophic receptors aid in:
cell survival, neurite outgrowth and differentiation, and activity-dependent plasticity 
Hebbian Strengthining at Synapses:
strong NMDA receptor activation recruits AMPA receptors to the dendritic spine. 
Monocular Deprivation experiment:
suturing one eye closed during postnatal development. Hardly any neurons respond to deprived eye in adulthood. 
induced mis-alignment of 2 eyes during early postnatal development by cutting muscles in 1 eye. 
What types of vision are impaired in strabismus?
Binocular vision and depth perception are impaired. 
Critical periods of development:
times when experience and neural activity have maximal effect on aquisition of a particular behavior. 
Peripheral Nerve Regeneration:
Macrophages remove debris, expression of growth genes, proliferating Schwann cells promote axon regeneration. 
Central Nerve Regeneration:
Oligodendrocytes, microglia, and astrocytes form a glial scar tissue. 
Neurocrine communication involves
synaptic transmission of neurotransmitters 
Endocrine communication involves
Endocrine cells releasing hormones into the bloodstream 
maintaining body's internal environment within a narrow physiological range. 
Hypothalamus integrates 2 types of responses to challenges:
somatic and visceral. 
Magnocellular neuroendocrine cells are found in the
Paraventricular nucleus and Supraoptic nucleus 
Which type of hypothalamic cells control the posterior pituitary?
Magnocellular cells. 
hormone in charge of lactation, bond formation. 
hormone in charge of blood volume, water retention. 
Milk Letdown Reflex:
sense from suckling sent to hypothalamus causing release of oxytocin. Acts on mammary glands to cause lactation. 
Hypothalamic control of the anterior pituitary:
Hypothalamic hormones act on pituicytes to stimulate hormone secretion. 
Which glands does the Anterior Pituitary affect?
The gonads, adrenal glands, and thyroid gland. 
How does negative feedback occur on the anterior pituitary?
Through peripheral hormones. 
ANS preganglionic neurons originate in:
the spinal cord or brainstem. 
The Sympathetic NS:
fight or flight 
The Parasympathetic NS:
rest and digest 
Acute Responses to stress involve both the
hypothalamus and the ANS 
HPA activation occurs through
CRH and ACTH, slow (from the adrenal medulla). 
Sympathetic Nervous system activation:
increases blood flow to muscles, release of glucose, and blood pressure. 
HPA axis activation:
Glucose usage, protein --> glucose, liberation of fats, increase blood flow 
What turns the stress response off?
Negative feedback/the Parasympathetic NS 
Symptoms of prolonged stress:
fatigue, diabetes, hypertension, ulcers, apathy, impaired disease resistance. 
Norepinephrine area:
Locus Coeruleus 
Norepinephrine is involved in:
arousal, attention, sleep-wake cycles, mood 
Serotonin area:
Raphe Nuclei 
Serotonin is involved in:
wakefullness, sleep-wake cycles, mood. 
Dopamine area:
Substantia Nigra/Ventral Tegmental Area 
Dopamine (SN):
projects to caudate nucleus/putamin to regulate voluntary movement. 
Dopamine (VTA):
projects to prefrontal cortex/subcortices in reward. 
Acetylcholine area:
forebrain and brain stem systems. 
Acetylcholine (Medial Septum and Basal Nucleus):
project to hippocampus/cortex. Degenerates in Alzheimer's. 
Acetylcholine (Pontomesencephalotegmental area):
projects to thalamus. Regulates excitability of sensory nuclei. 
Motivated behavior:
driven by need/want. Can vary in intensity. 
Humoral Response:
hypothalamic neurosecretory cells respond by regulating release of pituitary hormones. 
Visceromotor Response:
hypothalamic neurons adjust the balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic regulation of organs. 
Somatic Motor Response:
hypothalamic neurons trigger an appropriate behavior. 
Glucose is stored:
in liver and skeletal muscles (glycogen) and adipose tissue (triglycerides). 
conversion of glucose to its stored forms 
conversion of stored forms back to glucose. 
hormonal signal (secreted by fat) that conveys info about fat stores. More fat = more leptin. 
Where is leptin detected?
Neurons in the arcuate nucleus. 
Elevated leptin causes secretion of
aMSH and CART. 
aMSH and CART activate:
release of TSH and ACTH from the anterior pituitary. Also the sympathetic nervous system. 
TSH and ACTH hormones cause
increased metabolism. 
aMSH and CART inhibit:
feeding behavior by inhibition of lateral hypothalamic neurons. 
A drop in leptin activates release of:
NPY/AgRP. 
NPY/AgRP inhibit:
neurosecretory neurons that stimulate release of TSH and ACTH from anterior pituitary. 
NPY/AgRP activate:
the parasympathetic nervous system and feeding behaviors. 
Orexigenic signals:
increase drive to eat after a period of fasting. 
Satiety signals:
decrease the drive to eat as we consume the meal and begin digestion. 
Cephalic phase:
initial, anticipation of food. 
Gastric Phase:
stomach is filled. 
Substrate Phase:
nutrient absorption by the gut. 
Orexigenic signals include:
time of day/time since last meal, sight/smell of food, conditioned stimuli. 
hormone produced by stomach when empty. Activates NPY/AgRP neurons in the arcuate nucleus. 
Hedonic feeding:
we like to eat food. 
Drive reduction feeding:
eating reduces hunger 
What pathway do most of addictive drugs act on?
The Mesolimbic dopamine reward system 
The Mesolimbic Dopamine Reward System is made up of:
the VTA, nucleus accumbens, and the prefrontal cortex. 
Physical drug dependence:
biological. Develops from tolerance to drug affects = resetting of mechanisms maintaining homeostasis. 
Withdrawal Syndromes:
when drug administration stops and homeostasis is disrupted. Opposite to drug abuse responses. 
The motivator for continued drug use =
avoidance of withdrawal. 
Coke, amphetamines and meth act on:
exciting dopamine receptors in the prefrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens. 
Morphine, alcohol, and marijuana act on:
inhibiting GABA neurons in the VTA. 
Nicotine acts on:
exciting dopamine neurons in the VTA. 
How do drugs affect gene expression?
Bound D1 receptor activates a G-protein cascade in which CREB causes translation/cription of a new protein (∆-FosB). 
Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF):
stimulates neural differentiation and plasticity changes. 
Transcription factor ∆Fos-B:
phosphorylates transcription factors, increasing gene expression and sprouting synaptic development. 
The First-Pass effect:
all drug dose absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract is fist delivered to the liver by the portal vein. A fraction is metabolized in the liver before circulation. 
In the first-pass affect what is reduced?
Oral bioavailability of the drug. 
blocks opiate receptors and reverses the effects of agonists at these receptors. 
Primary cause of death from opiate overdose:
respiratory depression 
used for treatment of opiate addiction/withdrawal. (Bioprenorphine + Naloxone).

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