TEL-T TEL-T 317 : EXAM 1
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People tend to overestimate the short-term impact of technology but under-estimate the long-term impact
3 A's of Media
1. Artifact- The devices we use
2. Activity- Activities and practices involved with media usage
3. Arrangement- How we arrange our lives around media
What is a Media Life?
1. Immediatizes
2. Immortalizes
3. Is ubiquitous
4. Is pervasive
Media immortalize
Digital technology is recorded in perfect form; cannot erase anything.
Media Immediatize
Instantaneous/ Immediate
Media are pervasive
Media cannot be switched off
Media are ubiquitous
Media are everywhere
Our relationship to Media
We live inside Media, and we cannot escape it.
Panopticon Metaphor
Prison observatory--Displays concept of surveillance and dataveillance
Truman Show Metaphor
Media is pervasive and ubiquitous
"4" Lessons
1. Internet use is associated with demands for democracy worldwide
2. Digital media provide unique opportunities for mobilizing social change
3. Digital media corporations make decisions that influence social change.
4. Assholes exploit the internet, too
3 Contributions of Social Media to Collective Action
Social media provides for:
1. High levels of organizational resources
2. The formation of collective identities
3. Personalized content sharing across media networks (unique to digital media)
The naive belief in the emancipatory nature of online communication
Implications of "The Facebook Revolution"
-The start of social media playing a role in protest and revolution
Birth of the Egyptian Blogosphere: People were using social media to:
-Expand networks, broker relations b/w activists, globalize resources for leaders
-Frame the issue, Propagate unifying symbols
How did the Arab Spring Begin?
Man on fire selling fruit gov oppression etc.
How did Tunisian organizers use digital technology?
Twitter, live blogging, live videos
How did Egyptian organizers use digital and non-digital technology?
Blogging, word of moth, flyers
Which media were associated with attending protests?
Social Networks (get people there/ throw off police), Word of mout w/taxi drivers
Similarities Between Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street:
-Poverty + unemployment
-Using social media to organize + inspire
- Horizontal vs. Vertical structures
-Dif. Groups came together
Differences B/w OWS and AS
Goals (OW: intentionally vague AS: overthrow government)
1000's harmed and imprisoned in Arab Spring
OWS still trying to remain relevant
How did the Obama campaign use facebook?
Used facebook to connect people and have the tell their friends to vote/spread word/make money
How did big data change canvasing?
Concentrate on people based on data, friends, and interests
What was "drunk donating"?
Impulsive donating online through social media (mass contact and reaching out through media)
What is the Digital Divide?
People who use technology vs. those who don't
People who benefit from tech. vs. those who don't.
What is the Second-Level Digital Divide?
Not only about access, also about ability (age, education, and experience play a factor)
Rich-get-richer effect
people who already have social capita (resources) benefit most from digital media
(information is both a primary and positional good)
Who is not using the internet in the U.S.? Why?
1/5 of population
Senior citizens, people w/o high school degrees, People in households that make less than 30,000 a year, small differences in gender and race (can't afford/age differences/uneducated)
What does the digital divide look like internationally?
In developing countries, 1/4 of inhabitants are online
Who has internet at home? Mobile broadband?
1. Developed countries: 70%
Developing countries: 20%
2. Developed countries: 51%
Developing countires: 20%
3 examples of how technology can be designed to improve lives
1. Training midwives in Indonesia (providing midwives with high infant mortality with cell phones)
2. Resolving socio-political conflict (Collab. b/w researchers and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Liberia)
3. Healthcare for Spanish speakers in New Mexico (Uses technology…
Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft
Gemeinschaft: Small, rural, intimate space reinforced by technology (ties to community)
Gesellschaft: large, urban, impersonal societies
Internet use reinforces ties in physical, local communities
Social networks are stronger when people interact...
1. More often
2. About diverse topics
3. Across multiple modalities
4 unique aspects of online support
Social distance: access support w/o fear of embarrassment or social obligation
Anonymity: can hide identity
Interaction management: Have more control over what is said
Access: Contact day or night
What ties grow stronger because of the internet?
Weak ties
Social networking sites are used for:
Building and Maintaining Social Networks
Impression Management
Understanding Human Behaviore
Redefining Privacy Norms
What is the effect of Facebook on social capital?
Facebook improves bridging capital if you have low self-esteem and are dissatisfied with life
Social Presence Theory
More bandwidth = more cues
More cues, especially more nonverbal cues, make communicators more salient to each other
The greater the bandwidth, the greater the social presence, which may lead to better connection and intimacy
Reduced Social Context Cues
Digital communication provides a lack of nonverbal cues to express purpose, decorum, status, and emotion
This leads to an emphasis on task and self, and hostile, disinhibited behavior
Media Richness Theory
Optimal match between equivocality (ambiguous/vague) of a communication need and the richness of the medium
SIDE Theory
Anonymity increases group cohesion
Social Information Processing Theory
Rejects the view that absence of nonverbal cues restricts the capability to exchange social information
Cues are adapted into the verbal channel, which must be typed and read
Exchange of social information takes more time online compared to face-to-face
Hyperpersonal Model
Overattribution process
Selective self-presentation
Re-allocation of cognitive resources
Behavioral confirmation (feedback)
Impression Management Model
Making yourself look a certain way
History of relationship b/w Sex and Media
Nude films from beginning
First sex tape 1983
Sexual content on Internet since 1993
5 A's of Internet Sex
1. Accessible: Endless content
2. Affordable: less expensive online, makes process less of a burden
3. Anonymity: Feels anonymous, non face-to-face disclosure
4. Acceleration: Faster development of relationships, more information, interactions immediate
5. Augmentation: Extend…
How common is internet dating?
5% of people use online dating per Pew
Summary of findings on online deception
81% of people lied (most about weight least about age)
Theoretical Link
We tell white lies to make ourselves more attractive, online and off
Butler Lies
We use our devices to lie for us
Media Ideologies
Beliefs about how a medium communicates and structures communication
What is Digital Deception?
The concept of people lying and creating false identities online
How common is digital deception?
In study, 81% of participants lied at least once about age, weight, height, etc.
Is deception new to digital technology?
No, online deception is not far off from offline deception
Time spent on media ages 8-18 yrs.
7.5 hours of media per day (11 hours with multitasking)
When is being online bad for mental health?
TV viewing in ages 1-3 associated with ADD at age 7
Adult TV viewing can improve depressive mood by distraction
Recent studies say it depends on how connected you are
Effect on multitasking on productivity?
Reduces productivity significantly
What is CASA?
Computers as social actors
The concept that we treat computers like people and don't realize we are doing it
How did the Egyptians feel about the label "The Facebook Revolution?"
How did the Egyptians feel about the label "The Facebook Revolution"
The Egyptians hated the label. They felt that their hard work was being ignored. They were doing more than just using Facebook, they were putting their lives on the line. They also felt that Western countries, like the …