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margin =
revenue -cost
more volume = ___ in COGS
economy of scale __ gross margin
advertising, sales force, market research
your marketing budget is used each period to invest in ...
sonite (M)
the product MOST is manufactured by firm
the max number of sonite brands a firm can market any given time is
t/f - the actual production level is automatically adjusted in response to actual demand for the tha product, within +/- 20% of your initial production plan
transfer cost
cost charged to marketing dept when goods are sold
trading company
the obsolete inventory is sold to a:
the MDS study measures brand perception along how many dimensions in Markstrat
t/f -- the dimensions used in the MDS study are the same for the sonite and vodite market
economy performance convenience
top 3 customer needs
how many customers segments in the sonite market
how many customer segments in the vodite market
false. also R and D
there is only one way to re position a brand: through advertising

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