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Selection effect
People who choose to cohabit rather than get married have certain personal charactersitics and attitudes that make it less likely that their relationship will last
Uncertainty Reduction Explanation
Predicts that people will feel high levels of uncertainty during initial interactions
Social Exchange Explanation
When self-disclosure is reciprocated, it is rewarding because it reflects mutual trust and liking
Liking-disclosure Hypothesis
Predicts that people will disclose more to receivers they likeDi
Disclosure-liking hypothesis
Predicts that when a sender discloses to a receiver, the receiver will like the sender more
Social Penetration Theory
Self-disclosure usually increases gradually as people develop their relationships.
Knapp's stages of coming together
Initiating stage, Experimenting stage, Intensifying stage, Integrating stage, Bonding stageSt
Stages of Social Penetration
Stage 1: Orientation Stage 2: Exploratory Affective Exchange Stage 3: Affective Exchange Stage 4: Stable Exchange
As relationships become more intimate, they tend to become more...
Self-disclosure leads to disliking
T.M.I., When people think you disclose personal information to everyone, When disclosure is responded to negatively
Dimensions of Social Penetration
Depth- intimacy level Breadth- vareity of topics Frequency- the amount of time Valence- how positively or negatively charged something is Duration- how long a particular occurance happened
Fear of Loss of Control
Fear if you start talking you won't be able to stop it
Fear of destructive impluses
Fear that someone may cause a huge conflict
Fear of Losing Individuality
Afraid that telling someone everything about you means you will have nothing left
Fear of Exposure
Fear that if you expose negative things about yourself, the other person won't like you
Fear of Abondonment
Fear that someone will walk away from you once you self disclose
Fear of Angry Attacks
Fear that later someone will use the information against you
Stranger on a Plane Phenomenon
You are likely to reveal things about yourself you normally wouldn't tell anyone to somebody on a plane because you think you will never see them again.
What foot is used to describe social penetration?
An onion. Layers: superficial, social, and core

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