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Interpersonal Comm 3200 Final Exam Review Chapter 10 Know the definition of comparison level and comparison level for alternatives Comparison level expectation of the kinds of outcomes a person believes he she should receive in a relationship dependency Comparison level for alternates what a person perceives they have outside the relationship Know the combinations of level of quality and alternatives i e dissatisfied committed dissatisfied uncommitted satisfied committed satisfied uncommitted Dissatisfied committed but stay together anyways Dissatisfied uncommitted and not really staying together Satisfied committed D Satisfied uncommitted but temporarily Know the types of costs and rewards according to Interdependence Theory Costs Exchanged resources that result in loss or punishment Rewards Exchanged resources that are pleasurable and gratifying Know the kinds of investments according to the Investment Model Two types of investments intrinsic or extrinsic Intrinsic investments those put directly into the relationship ie time disclosure effort Extrinsic investments Resources developed over time ie material possessions social system enmeshment and identity Know the relationship maintaining behaviors according to the Investment Model The following are relationship maintaining behaviors Positivity Openness Assurances over or under benefited outweigh relational costs Know how under benefited and over benefited issues work and the math behind them for example given the number of benefits vs costs you should be able to figure out if someone is In general individuals try to maximize their outcomes so that relational rewards The math behind it 25 benefits to 5 costs is equal to 50 benefits to 10 costs since they work out to be the same ratio Know responses to dissatisfying events This has to do with the Model of Accommodation There are four responses Exit threats of breaking up leaving and divorcing Neglect stand by and let conditions worsen ignoring partner less time Voice attempt to improve conditions change negatives Loyalty wait for positive change Know the strategies for restoring equity Three strategies 1 Behavior change decide that the relationship is equitable 3 Leave and end relationship Chapter 11 What is power Dominance Social influence 2 Psychological equity or reassessing what you put into and get out of the relationship and Power refers to an individuals ability to influence others to do what he or she wants as well as a person s ability to resist the influence attempts of others Dominance refers to the display or expression of power through one s behavior Social Influence refers to one s emotions behaviors or opinions being affected by others Know the power principles for example What is the prerogative principle without as much penalty as less powerful people Why is power a perception Powerful people can violate norms break relational rules and manage interactions Because if others do not perceive you have power you don t have power What is the principle of least interest This refers to the idea that the person who cares less or the person who has the least amount invested has more power How is power relational Power is always an interpersonal concept An individual cannot be powerful without someone else being less powerful it s a comparison What is powerful vs powerless speech Powerful speech focuses on the self dominate conversations redirecting the conversation away from topics others are discussing and interrupt others Men are more likely to use this Powerful people in general are more likely to use this Powerless speech Powerless speech occurs when people use tag questions and hedges Can include Tag questions ask if you are making sense or that others understand you you know what I mean Hedges refer to statements that give an out I m not sure I m right but you did say that didn t you Know interpersonal influence goals and which is most common Making lifestyle changes change the behavior patterns Gaining Assistance asking others for assistance Sharing activities offers to share time and space Changing Political attitudes convincing someone to take a stand to join a movement are all examples of political persuasion Giving health advice improving others mental and physical health Changing relationships Know the verbal influence strategies verbal ploys bargaining hinting ingratiation deception Bargaining Agreeing to do something for someone if the person reciprocates something in return Hinting Making indirect requests implying a request without actually saying anything Ingratiation Also known as positive affect kissing up or sucking up to get what you want Deception Lies false promises exaggerations Know the three parenting styles Authoritarian demanding directive and nonresponsive laying down the law do not Permissive undemanding and nondirective but responsive they will learn on their own explain reasoning supportive and encouraging Authoritative blends authoritatian and permissive demanding directive and responsive Know differences in traditional vs egalitarian marriages Traditional Men are the breadwinners women are the caretakers roles are split Egalitarian More equal sharing of roles within the marriage Know relational control moves i e one ups and one downs and the patterns these create i e complementarity competitive symmetry submissive symmetry neutral symmetry Exerting dominance and control one up message Relational admiration or acceptance a one down message Neutrality one across message Focus is on the form of the conversation versus the content Considerable portion of conversation is neutral Transact a pair of utterances Complementary if one person uses mostly one ups and the other uses mostly one downs Symmetrical both people use the same moves Competitive symmetry two people repeatedly use one ups Submissive symmetry two people repeatedly use one downs Neutral symmetry Both partners exchange one across messages When one up or one down message is paired with a one across message a transition has occurred Chapter 12 Know what communication privacy management theory and its component ownership permeability boundary structures Communication privacy How individuals maintain privacy boundaries Ownership People believe they have the right to control information and who has access to it Permeability How easily the information is shared Boundary structures Used to control risk of disclosing private information Know what cooperation and boundary turbulence are

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UConn COMM 3200 - Final Exam Review

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