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Aldehyde/Ketone + Raney Nickel --->
Corresponding alcohol 1o for aldehydes 2o for ketones
Aldo-Keto containing compound + NaBH4
Keto-alcohol containing compound Aldehyde more reactive against sodium borohydride
Aldo-Keto containing compound + NaBH4/CeCl3 in H2O/EtOH -->
Aldo-alcohol containing compound Selectively targets ketone through temporary aldehyde protection
1o alcohol + PCC in DCM -->
Aldehyde Non acidic conditions prevent side reactions
Aldehyde + mCPBA -->
Ester product Which group becomes part of the ester depends on migration speed: H>3oalkyl>2oalkyl=phenyl>1oalkyl>methyl
Aldehyde + mCPBA -->
Carboxylic acid
Alkene + mCPBA -->
Epoxide This reaction is chemoselective: more nucleophilic alkenes react first Stereochemistry is retained, and it can create a racemic product
1o alcohol + H2CrO4 -->
Aldehyde initially, but continually oxidation produces a carboxylic acid end product

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